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نشرت في 22 May 2022 / في غير الربحية والنشاط

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Go your own way guys

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Mrod منذ 3 سنوات

Man that was awful! Poor girl.

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ArgonRaysabre منذ 3 سنوات

I'm okay with letting people get thier comeuppance for the evils they perpetrate, but bullying ain't cool; I have absolutely no problem with someone John Wick-ing a bunch of bullying assholes.

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bagoodman2 منذ 3 سنوات

( UPDATE ) The Protest or (BAN) of the women's channels got off to a GREAT start ! - Thank you to All - My in box has been filled with thumbs up and Good comments - Now Round two starts - This is a ((JUST DON'T )) Moment for us MGTOW Men - Just don't watch the women's videos Give them a thumb Down (so the algorithm wont put them up for re-watch) We Have to stand together and Save Amr's Business ! One of the Last places Where Men can be Men - Thanks Again Gentlemen . ((( I AM SPARTACUS ))) We all are ! ............repost for Bagoodman

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monk2018 منذ 3 سنوات

I am a sigma and I say he used to many bullets wasted money back to the range

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mrghoster منذ 3 سنوات

Bullying is unacceptable in any form. I was badly bullied at school for being intelligent, but luckily it has paid of in todays man world for me, Whereas most of the bullies at my school are now dead or pathetic loser's? I could esily Bully them in retriburtion today, but I wont because I know how they made me feel and I cannot make other's even former bullies feel that way.

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