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Carnivore Doctors Battle [Is Fruit & Honey Carnivore?] Paul Saladino

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Publicado em 29 Aug 2024 / Em Pessoas e Blogs

In this extended, respectful discussion, Dr Paul Saladino & Dr Ken Berry discuss the Carnivore Diet and whether fruit & honey fit into a carnivore diet. Dr Saladino & I agree that meat/eggs should make up the majority of a Proper Human Diet, but we disagree on a few of the details...

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All Principles of a Proper Human Diet in 1 video:

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Thanks so much to our Prime & Champion Patrons Chris B, Andrew R, Colin, Jeffery D, Michael K, Shelley L, Steve B, Wayne F, Wilson D, Allan L, Ande S, Arn M, B B, Brevemike, Brian M, Cathy H, Christina Y, Dana F, Dean Z, Debbie B, Debra B, Dennis T, Dick M, Dorothy G, Edna J, Elisabeth/Brett L, Evan C, Jenny C, John C, Julie L, Karen C, Kevin S, Kimberly G, Leaann O, Lisa K, Loren C, Lori B, Marilyn D, Marilynn S, Mary L, Melissa A, Michelle G, Mitzi C, Paige M, Patricia G, Paul R, Ralph D, Raquel A, Rick/Kit C, Robert D, Ryane C, Sam W, Shawn R, Shena B, Stephen W, Steve H, Susan W, Suzanne C, Tahane M, Tami H, Teal E, Tiffany S, Tina, Tracey D, Wendy J, Jeff P, Michael K, Dean Z, 2 Krazy Ketos, Jose A, John C, Amanda W, Paola M, & Sam B for helping make this video possible.

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in Tennessee for over 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
Consult your doctor. Don't use this video as medical advice.

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Toki 7 meses atrás

This is some women shit though. I just eat what is low budget because real productive labor is worth nothing therefore I'm poor and can't afford food. Meanwhile overpaid Docs who just sit around and gossip stress over "is fruit carnivore?" Who cares? Eat fruit and meat what does it matter? Wish I could afford fruit and good meat. Thing is he needs to be careful about what he eats because he never burns any calories being a man working.
Maybe for a diet he should try the working man diet. You can't afford food and do all the work for entitled people like doctors and other college fucks. So you lose weight fast. You won't end up in Hell either for Sloth.

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