Celebratory Live Stream Dedicated to all that tried to vilify me but actually have Vindicated me!!!

https://youtu.be/qvUs7JeDzdE- Video Reacted
@RuinedLeon Check him out!! He's one of my fave Youtubers! Love watching and reacting to his breakdowns on topics and other crazy things!!
Also @CrimeCircus Video 1 on Moscow Murders from Drip Drop Breakdown/Reaction Vid---------https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJhTVJHA1qA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV9Pjs4A6S0 @ActualJusticeWarrior
Fair Use
All RIghts Reserved
Everything stated herein is my opinion based upon research and using the scientific method and other avenues of confirmation & detection. #nohate #pleasedonotsendhate I am not inciting anyone to go after the individuals I speak on. Best is to give them no views, report, & ignore them completely!
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