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Charlize Theron Hasn't Been On A Date In 5 Years LOL - MGTOW

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Опубликован в 22 Sep 2020 / В Люди и блоги

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Charlize Theron Reveals She Hasn't Dated Anyone In 5 Years: 'I Don’t Feel Lonely'

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Georges. He didn't send me a topic so I want to cover the recent story called "Charlize Theron Reveals She Hasn't Dated Anyone In 5 Years: 'I Don’t Feel Lonely'" which I've put a link to in the
description. In that article from the Muffington Post there's a video there where Charlize goes onto the Drew Barrymore show and Drew says she spent her life trying to figure out men for 45 years and she's tired and bored now and finds that the love she has with her children more impactful. Charlize of course agrees with her. These women have a lot in common. They are both single mothers in Hollywood taking a break from men. A couple of famous single mothers tired of men. Well if that were the case then why was Charlize Theron shaming men a year or two ago for a man to man up and marry her? Perhaps first she tried the stick shame and that didn't work and now she's trying a different approach. The approach of the empowered single mother with an African baby that don't need no man? Let me also make it clear Theron and Barrymore can certainly go on dates if they want but both the Muffington post and myself seem to agree that if we
give our content covering this story the title of Theron not going on a date for five years it makes for better clickbait. As Dave Chapelle always says gotcha bitch. But seriously she can get all the dates that she wants. I don't think it has anything to do with there not being enough men interested her. Especially considering I was recently working on a video about the wall for women being a myth. I'm now starting to think that for these two women their diva personalities don't suit them in middle age the same way they suited them while they were younger. Afterall all the forty something year old women I've known that got hot young Chads with more money knew how to bite their tongues and let the man be the center of attention for a while. Do you really think Charlize Theron knows how to share the spotlight? Anyways, I'll get to more on my thoughts about this in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. So in the words to Charlize Theron “I’ve been on a few dates, but I haven’t dated anybody for over five years.” Wow what a coincidence I haven't been on a date for almost five years. The difference of course is that it's my choice unlike hers. I can celebrate something like that because it means I'm no longer thirsty and have internal validation instead of chasing female validation and sex. After Theron says that Barrymore says that she too hasn't been on a date in over 5 years. What's with these famous women seemingly going their own way. From my experience once women get over forty they cherry pick cock. They wait for the so called right man to show up and target them like a ferocious wildcat. Theron says that her life is really good and the man needs to bring that and more. She says honestly I don't feel lonely. When someone says honestly followed by something it usually means the opposite. Charlize also says she wants a man to bring more to a great life. To me that tells me that she's definitely looking for a man in her life but he has to meet her very high standards and over the last five years she hasn't met a man like that that's willing to simp out and accept her and her adopted African virtue signaling baby.

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BeFreeTv 5 лет тому назад

...and Here YOU ARE WRONG S . ! dislike! Reality is what I wrote down below....SHE WONT HAVE ANY RELATION ANY MORE:...she got someone to pump her...thats FOR worries about that...and SHE WONT CALL U for any help or chat ! LMAO BE FREE! VICTORY

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BeFreeTv 5 лет тому назад

World Has Changed ...admit it! women can live Single if the are milionaire ...and Yes! C T is Millionaire! She saw what marriage can do to a woman- her own mom marriage- and DEEP INSIDE SHE DONT WANT THAT! THATS WHY SHE IS SINGLE ! all BS she said about ,, having a relationship,,....I DON T BUY IT ! NOT AT ALL! SHE WILL BE SINGLE FOR will see!

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BeFreeTv 5 лет тому назад

So what if she is ,,Single,,...Good 4 her! I do not care at all!

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BeFreeTv 5 лет тому назад

She was Superb in ,, Devil.s Advocate,, ! What man could not get ,,in love,, with her at that point ? Latest movies are Trash ! Feminism types of movie...She lost her Femininity which she has it very strong during her young years!

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BeFreeTv 5 лет тому назад

Women have Sex! ...we just dont know it! and... Do not see it!

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