Would go great with some Fist of North star or Gears of War haha \G/
You got any Good Old school Thrash Overkill or Testament or some of their newer stuff heard their Albums are great and they both have never made a shitty or one with all filler yet so should be good thanks unless your a nightwish fan :( haha jk speaking of do you have any recent or latest Lacuna Coil Music they are real good and at the very least I can hear their words I'm too much of a BOOMER to be listening to songs I don't know what they are talking about anymore haha \G/
@Toki: Stahlman Adament - Adrenalin Awesum thanks I will listen to it without JEWTUBE ads as soon as I clicked the Link Fucking Ad I was like nope, I finally found a way to get JEWTUBE without Ads and not going back nope fuck that \G/
@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Tampermonkey is what I got to fix that problem. A year ago when Jewtube did the blackscreen telling me not to use Adblockers. Just a free add-on like Ublock
@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: This is my usual music site to find 320kbps mp3. Better quality than CDs you buy or digital purchases on Amazon type sites. https://mp3.pm/search/s/f/stahlmann+adrenalin/
@Toki: thank you brother appreciate that a lot, I tried to use UBlock and Adblock on my Fartphone before and it wouldn't work so I found the next best thing no need for ad blockers just you can't leave likes or comments so I was like OK as long as I get to see the videos or tips I need I don't care. Thanks for the link to the website appreciate it a lot, I'm a bit of a purist I'd rather Support the artist and their artwork than Pirate their work However it's gonna just go to their label anyways and I just downloaded a MÖTÖRHEAD Song I could not get forever and it's high quality as well so thanks Really appreciate that I might to see which artists in my backlog I can get as well and Hammer might be interested in this as well, It might be a shitty thing to do and not supporting the artist however where can save money do so and I do miss the going out to record store and going through records tapes cds and so on and being intrigued and amazed by the artwork on album covers, that's just me tho I guess old habits and these young Zoomers don't care just give them what they want till they get their next fix I suppose. Thanks TOKI for the Hookup \G/
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Would go great with some Fist of North star or Gears of War haha \G/
You got any Good Old school Thrash Overkill or Testament or some of their newer stuff heard their Albums are great and they both have never made a shitty or one with all filler yet so should be good thanks unless your a nightwish fan :( haha jk speaking of do you have any recent or latest Lacuna Coil Music they are real good and at the very least I can hear their words I'm too much of a BOOMER to be listening to songs I don't know what they are talking about anymore haha \G/