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Опубликован в 06 Dec 2020 / В Путешествия и события

⁣? CHINESE TOURISTS... [PART 1] : ⁣https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/chi....nese-tourists-part-1
⁣? CHINESE TOURISTS... [PART 2] : ⁣⁣https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/chi........nese-tourists-pa
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Doggk 4 лет тому назад  

- CHINESE TOURISTS... [PART 1] : ⁣https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/chi....nese-tourists-part-1
- CHINESE TOURISTS... [PART 2] : https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/chi....nese-tourists-part-2

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ShadowMonk 4 лет тому назад

My God these are not the noble Chinese people from China we once knew...they have changed radically thinks to communism.

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Doggk 4 лет тому назад

That's one of the reasons why I made the "CHINESE TOURISTS" series ^^

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lukenstein 4 лет тому назад

if we are up against them in ww3, i dont think peeps should worry. look at what a mess they are

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ThinkExecuteProfit 4 лет тому назад

Remember in the 90's when the chinese would say china is too large for democracy, they need an authorian state to rule that many people.

This is what they were talking about.

meanwhile India next door

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Councilof1 4 лет тому назад

These are difficult to watch.

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UnwillingVillian 4 лет тому назад

I've said it before & I'll say it again. Pay attention Demorats! Pay attention Biden supporters! THESE ARE YOUR PUPPET MASTERS! THESE pieces of communist shit are the ones pulling pedo Joe Beijing Biden's strings!

It should also be pointed out that they fight like the bitches they are.

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Doggk 4 лет тому назад

It's too easy to blame only foreign powers.. USA did the same thing when Trump was elected, they all said it's Putin's fault, Russia Russia Russia.. The first ones first of all to blame is the US political system and the US citizens who are getting fooled... USA refuses to acknoweldge that it is in the process of imploding.. The world knows, that USA has to implode before it explodes... So do the ennemies of USA.. And the only way to delay it or to stop it is to change radically it's system.. All the US persidents are blocked because of the US secret agenda and the guys in black suits behind the scene, who tell them what to do or not.. If they don't obey, they end up like Abraham Lincoln or John Kennedy...

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UnwillingVillian 4 лет тому назад

@Doggk: I'll readily admit the "United" States is imploding. It's like we're meticulously following an instruction manual written by the Roman Empire 'How to Destroy Your Civilization from Within'. The only difference between the Russia hoax & CCP insurgency is EVIDENCE. None on Russian 'collusion' vs. a mountain that'll eclipse Everest on China. Your point is the most valid. The worst enemy of America is the divisive conflict of Americans vs. Americans.

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ThinkExecuteProfit 4 лет тому назад

Dude, florida is more of a shit show then this , every day. And that's just one state.

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Doggk 4 лет тому назад

@ThinkExecuteProfit: Florida is just a part of the USA and this is not the main subject he was talking about...

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 лет тому назад

@Doggk: Is it just me or is it all the coastal cities and ports that are being compromised? It seems like we are being surrounded, by what I don't know yet

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