
Chopper Reid's Encounter with Martin Bryant ( Bryant - patsy for gun confiscation in Australia ). Pinned Comment.

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Опубликован в 08 Feb 2025 / В Фильм и анимация

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 1 месяц тому назад

Everyone is interesting - but to different and varying degrees.

These two are no exception.

I am not a fan of Manson or these two either - and I find the craziness, to be hard reading.

But it relates to the Martins alledged Port Arthur Massacar, which was the grounds for the (jew run) Australian (unconstitutional) government, to take up a national gun confiscation program.

I would be prepared to question the veracity of the allegations about Bryant, because this guy who was a mentally retarded guy with a very low IQ, was alledged to have made 3 x 300 yard head shots, from a standing position - with no misses, using a bolt action rifle, which is the capabilities of an expert marksman, from a prone (laying down) position, using a precision set up rifle, with a scope, set up for that range, using a tripod.



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