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Publicado en 28 Nov 2020 / En Otro

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Councilof1 4 años hace  

I don't know why but all my life when women start crying it really pissed me off. And I have a long memory. I don't want to comfort them, I want to yell at them when they cry. Especially when they use the waterworks with me.

There's certain manipulations women use that for whatever reason elicit the opposite reaction in me than what they're expecting. They're usually shocked by my reaction to their manipulation. I wish I could figure out why that is.

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Doggk 4 años hace

You 100% right for this one, don't let them manipulate you and don't look too far.. They just want you to fall for their shit in order to trap you.. Take your stuff and leave her alone !

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Councilof1 4 años hace

@Doggk: Once i decided to walk away i knew i was never going back. At this point there's no point in going back. I'm just curious and i like figuring out why i do what i do.

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SolidSnake33 2 años hace

The police are the enemy of men. Fuck the police.

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mrghoster 4 años hace

I've listened 3 times trying to work out WTF she is on about. The best Excuse for this is that She is attention seeking and nothing else, it's that simple, she is mentally ill and looking for some form of attention that doesn't involve a straight jacket! lol1 Personally I think a modern females wardrobe and clothing selection SHOULD include a straight Jacket!

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mrghoster 4 años hace

She ain't nothin' special. but she thinks she is! lol!

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Doggk 4 años hace


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mrghoster 4 años hace

@Doggk: Yep your right about that!

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mrghoster 4 años hace

It makes no sense you would think/ well logically it doesn't? One second she is saying now don't come near and in the next sentence she is saying she wants attention? Yeh this is a typical Beast system women how doesn't know WTF it want's. It 's like all these feminist that go on marches because they don't want MEN objectifying them, but they will walk totally naked? It's all bat shit crazy guy's. even a psychology degree won't help you understand this shit? lol! Best to distance yourselves from this type to be safe, after all a magazine and a right hand is safer! lol! ME? I'm MGTOW Monk all the way and Unshakable to the extreme. pussy ain't worth a thing these day's either, the market is swamped with it and like any commodity there is to much of it has NO VALUE whatsoever.

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