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Dangers of DEI, Consequence Culture Strikes, Game Industry Upheaval, + More!

27 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 18 Jul 2024 / Im Film & Animation

DEI almost led to a political minecrafting. Also, Musk leaving Commiefornia, John Deere backtrack, YouTube cracks down, safety concerns, EV owners screwed, game industry is "special", and Tenacious D gets a taste of consequence culture!

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

Yeah, your correct RGE, they have no History now that Crooks' Discord profile was deleted and likely Reddit too...These aren't the Feds you're looking for. They're for sale if you want them. "These aren't the Feds we're looking for... Move along..."

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

Well, the Demonic and their whores spew hatred... What did you expect? Plus, we are not a Democracy let alone their "muh democracy" code for Communist shithole Dystopia. We should push a Meritocratic Republic Motion...fuck 'em if they resist... er fuck 'em up for their lying and treason, but I repeated myself...

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

There's also another Kung Fu Panda in the works... Po who Jack Black voices...

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

Uh? I thought Jack Black was called upon by his Pedo Joe President?!

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

Wait?! What? It was a joke? I thought it was a Satanic prayer! LOL! Well, isn't it time for you to eat the shit now and take the Satanic Globohomo Jew come in your ass Tenacious D?

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@WMHarrison94: so i take it jack black aka crack whack or sack crack haha :D so that shite for brains finally sold out and his JEW FAGGOTT MASTERS do satanic rituals and fuck him in the ass with GOY DILDOS haha now I gotta see this I hope the JEWS piss in his mouth and make him drink it. DIO always knew Jack Black and Tenancious D sucked and just Humored them. DIO NEVER SOLD OUT AND ALL REAL METALHEADS RESPECT HIM DIO EVEN HAS STAGES NAMED AFTER HIM AT DONNINGTON, BLOODSTOCK AND WACKEN never heard of even 1 stage named after Tenacious D fuck those losers

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: They had a movie: Tenacious D and The Puck of Destiny .. kind of Stanic comedy. I thought it was just for the movie like with Russell Brand in his Foegwtting Sarah Marshall and Get Him To the Greek... he was hiliarious. I live his "I wanna be deep inside you" song ..

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@WMHarrison94: agree to disagree not interested in either and AMR proved that FAGGOTT RB is controlled opposition wouldnt be surprised if Shit Sack Ass Crack is the same.

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: it was Pick of Destiny, fucking last minute AI interference... Pixk as in a guitar pick... my dad used to play guitar..

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

Hey RGE, how to we "build" an invite only Dark Web er site and app to do like our Youtubing and Gaming "Discord" without Discord and The CIA, FBI "Feds," and NSA? Just asking for a friend... and gross cost estimate to build...

I mean Owen Benjamin the Big Bear funded Beartopia and his newsletter magazine. Quarterly one I believe...

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there is newpipe app ad free youtube clone and that is even highly technical for boomer tech, quartering is a cuck and owen benjamin has his own problems and was inbed with steven tradcuck crowder like I said owen benjamin has his own problems however i would trust him with a MUH FREE SPEECH alternative that he created. the moment you make a successful dark web site those babylon scumbags and murder squad wont stop to hunt you down and kill you or throw you in jail.

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thanks for letting me know about discord being trash and corrupt exactly why i never bothered with them or twitch for that matter and all these prepper channels talking on discord think they are safe and secure and have privacy HAHA the murder squads all know what your going to do before you know what to do and before you do it, I like your thinking and where your heads at however most people are inept and just dont know, a secret plaform or alternative where we can talk and not be fucked over great however thats more a pipe dream than reality and im BOOMER TECH I tried TOR, PYTHON and looked into AI Chat GPT and was like fuck this, i have a life to live than to learn hours of code just to "be private and secure" haha like HAMMERHAND said even the best Hackers that know a fuck ton more than all of us BOOMER TECHS and leave a trace somewhere and your never 100% secure maybe 90 or 95% so I say fuck it bring it MGTOW is already winning with 73 - 75% of able working men saying fuck it we are done with whores and slave work, we are winning the war and AMR in his recent video in a food truck said MGTOW IS WINNING because JEWS are scared because everyone is now seeing their bullshite after the shite they pulled in GAZA aka GAYZA

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I tried Newpipe multiple times on my Android phone for me alternative YT account. It never worked for me...

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

We Men aren't we!? Er, We MIG Tau aren't we? If a platform can exists, we men MGTOW monks and MWA expats can build it. We have the abilities as a community especially many illrgally forced out of lame stream media and corrupt corporate jobs to make room for Dieversity hires! How's that working our for y'all?

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@WMHarrison94: i have android phone as well it worked fine for me however it made my phone overheat alot so it had to go and it had all this super technical settings and you get one thing wrong it crashes the whole thing and I was like yep fuck that im not trying to be computer Geek just to get it fixed or uninstall and then re install fuck that i can live without it or find some other work around and then i though fuck this. I think you need to be android software version 7 and up i think mines is version 11 so it worked easily on my android phone until i fucked it up and the overheat issue other than that it was a good send watching videos straight with no garbage ads

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@WMHarrison94: try downloading it from their website for computer windows from F-DROID i havent used it on my computer no need to i only have experience over my android phone so its your call and if it goes well let me know how it goes for you and how you made it work. thanks \G/

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I should... I think I did get it from F Droid... maybe it was from the Google Store. Funny issue, every couple of months after a Windows 10 update, my Libre Office stops opening!?! I have to uninstall and reinstall...

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@WMHarrison94: same windows 10 is a giant cluster fuck I had to Uninstall some of their updates because of safety and security bullshit even though I turned them off and they made my computer run slower and cause nothing except problems.

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@WMHarrison94: I don't remember who exactly said it on MGTOW TV may have been SHANE T HANSEN or RGE talking about modern components to run modded old Operating system like windows 98 with 1080p and 4 or 8k graphics looking like a great option than all this windows 10 bullshite

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@WMHarrison94: I think it was RGE or SHANE that said it older operating systems with beefed up processors RAMS and other Good PC MASTER RACE equipment is looking much better and can run and handle any of the new apps and all that stuff better. I think it was in a Recent RGE STREAM about Linux and Lara Croft if I can find it I will link it below and you can have a listen to the parts where he talks about that. \G/

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: yeah... I have a Win7 laptop with a graphics card. 2 GB I think... maybe I should start using it more...

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WMHarrison94 9 Monate vor

No, no. Dieversity is our strength, for our enemies...

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