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Darkside Of Only Fans

156 Görünümler
yayınlandı 22 Jun 2021 / İçinde Film ve Animasyon

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satcomer 4 yıl önce

Only Fans have turn to soft porn look at her!

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sauger1001 4 yıl önce

Back in the day, TRULY wholesome waah?men didn't try to get THAT type of attention this hypocrite's IG photos seem to portray, compared to her words. SMH.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 4 yıl önce

You give long rant about referring to people as kids, but then call women 'girls'? Sometimes it isn't about the lack of respect, sometimes it's just our language. I agree, at a certain point a person isn't a kid anymore, but calling someone kid isn't always a sign of disrespect. I think most girls are women at 16, even if they're immature women. They're having adult 'fun' of their own volition, they're developmentally adjusted more toward adulthood than childhood, they're adults. Boys are men at around 18. This correlates also with puberty: girls are two years ahead of boys, but both reach physical maturity at 16-18. I have friends that are older than me that I call 'kid'. I used to call my own mother kiddo, not out of disrespect any more than referring to a group of females as guys (which i rarely do).

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Mustang 4 yıl önce

TRBT, at the start of your videos you say even if you disagree, to make a comment, so here goes. I have several thoughts on the first part of this video :
#1. I am old (68) and sometimes I call a young man "Son" just to give some payback for when I was young and somebody called me Son and I didnt like it.
#2. Sometimes I call someone Son because I dont know their name and mean no disrespect by it.
#3. You said that some 25 year olds have more wisdom than some 65 year olds. Perhaps, but I never have seen it. I am absolutely convinced that wisdom comes with age and get really upset when a 20 year old with miniscule life experiences starts giving me life advice!!!
#4. It used to be that kids were taught to respect their Elders in our society. That is no longer the case. I believe because of my grey hair and nearly 50 years of adult life experiences that I deserve at least some respect. Unfortunately, since I am a Baby Boomer, the Millennials heap tons and tons of disrespect, hate, and propaganda on me. I try really hard to treat everybody with respect but when a Generation hates you without cause thats tough.
#5. I came across a motorcycle jacket patch that said "Dont call me Bro if you dont know me". I say Bro sometimes instead of Sir. So now I guess I cant say that for fear of offending someone. I sometimes call a woman I dont know "Girlfriend" but maybe that is offensive too. I've come to the point where I try to avoid human interaction if at all possible. It just ain't worth it anymore. People are so easily offended and get upset nowadays. Look at the "Karen" phenomenon.
#6. This is the first thing I have disagreed with you but thats ok. I will continue to watch your videos because you have common sense. Blessings. Mustang.

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Hammerhead69 4 yıl önce

There is no bright side in my opinion.

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