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DEI Assistant Fire Chief in LA is Going To get People Killed

25 Görünümler
yayınlandı 10 Jan 2025 / İçinde Eğlence



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These are the opinions and ramblings of a foul-mouthed lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.

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Toki 2 ay önce

You need a semi truck to carry most Americans so she isn't carrying anyone. She needs the semi truck.
Noticing how the fire chief is just talking. Charisma/Speech. Completely useless and gets paid to talk instead of act. Gov is such a joke. A fire station should have firemen, not entitled people who want to be the manager ruling over others causing chaos and disrupting an important civil service role. This is why your economy and world is failing. Managers, chiefs, CEOs, presidents, supervisors etc. So many entitled scum who believe they shouldn't have to lift a finger and other humans called slaves should provide everything for them. I have quite a few of these useless scum in my workplace. Usually fat. Low T males who are pets of their wives. Or Karen women who are arrogant and annoying. The entire operation is disrupted by these manager people. They also get free food with the company credit card while the adult workers do not. That's you main problem.
Also women are great at being managers. Fuckups basically. Me, me, me first. The depressing part is the managment people are extremely weak, slow, and stupid. While Chads do all the real work out here in society and could defeat any manager in a duel easily. Mental or physical.
Just consider these chiefs and managers cause more inflation than everyone else except single moms of course. Getting paid to avoid working causes inflation. The money printer is in demand because management people do not create any wealth, they only consume the wealth created by others.

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Lucifer333 2 ay önce

Proper punishmemt for Hollywpod woke crowd.... Gods hand is on this

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I am starting to believe that SOME profoundly stupid, pathologically lying women, DESERVE to be beaten to a pulp just for being so fucking stupid and for lying...

They should NOT be getting the jobs, they should not be getting recuited, they should be run out of the fire fighting services.

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Lucifer333 2 ay önce

Well, these women need their tubes tied and sent t9 labor camps where they can be usefull. Arbeit macht frei

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@Lucifer333: You can quote me on this, "It's like telling stupid people that they need a fire extinguisher system in their racing car, and they reply, "What do we need a fire extinguisher system in the car for? It's not on fire now." - I created that comment on the logic of idiots 10 or 12 years ago, but it truly applies to these idiots now. Why do we need to keep all the snow melt water for? The place isn't on fire now." ----- brain cells popping...

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Lucifer333 2 ay önce

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: good one,..., you tilted their puny brains with logic.

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