
DEI Policies Fueled Incompetent Response To California Wildfires And Put Additional Lives At Risk

19 المشاهدات
نشرت في 12 Jan 2025 / في الأخبار والسياسة

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sbseed منذ 2 الشهور

it was all done on purpose...

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WMHarrison94 منذ 2 الشهور

I'm not seeing any videos? Only the same screen? I refreshed the video.

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KEEPER منذ 2 الشهور

you might have the resolution on mp3, find that and choose the res and it should work, but to be honest with you, this video is mostly commentary, he does show some stuff on the screen but not much

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WMHarrison94 منذ 2 الشهور

@KEEPER: it was on auto and read 240?

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WMHarrison94 منذ 2 الشهور

I could try it again on my AIO pc...

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KEEPER منذ 2 الشهور

@WMHarrison94: for free users it should show up 480p tops, is 240p the only other option?

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WMHarrison94 منذ 2 الشهور

Whoever said they were people? Let alone soulful people or simply people who still have their Souls? I call them Demoncrats "Zombies" for a reason! Besides, most of them are brain dead useless people or idiots cult indoctrinated and likely broken by rape or moleststion in "our" public schools more appropriately joked as public indoctrination centers...

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WMHarrison94 منذ 2 الشهور

This is obviously planned. I believe these guys in Commiefornia are trying to kill us or at the least "You will own nothing and be happy." They gotta burn your shit down and then build their fifteen ninute prisons on top of those ashes. I mean damn. At least Nero built a magnificent palace over the residential areas he burnt... Loosers. These Globohomos litetally have shit for brains... make sense, they eat shit.

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KEEPER منذ 2 الشهور

i hope the locals wise up and invest in pikes for their politicians and leaders, because that is the root of their problems.

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WMHarrison94 منذ 2 الشهور

@KEEPER: Nah. Purify or Purge them with fire. I mean just stab or shoot their foot or leg and leave them facingnthe fire their Incompetence started...

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Toki منذ 2 الشهور

The man loli again huh? I thought you disliked this anime stuff?
Also the funny part is his wife is an ASMR thot. He married her like a total idiot. Game over in his future.

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KEEPER منذ 2 الشهور

i do, but i'm trying to look passed that for what he has to talk about. and i don't care or know about his wife, like i get we are mgtow and we take notice of this kind of thing, but it's not going to change these ppl, i just mirror his stuff because of the content he talks about, now there are some videos he uploads that i feel are just dumb and stupid because it's like some stupid personal drama with another user who uses an anime avatar just like him lol. besides i think he only does the girl avatar thing to get easy clicks on his channel, i mean why do you use an anime pic of a chick? back when i was on FB circa 2015 i found a hot chick pick and used it with my name and dudes followed me even though i was a nobody, they really thought i was this chick in the picture, i guess that proves it, we use the lizard brain in our pants more than the rational one above lol.

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WMHarrison94 منذ 2 الشهور

@KEEPER: This is why men drew chicks and goddesses with big titties on cave walls. We needed Christianity or a Patriarchal cult to bitch slap the simping from men... I mean Ashereh, the Tree of Life, in Her true Bronze Age form had some big ole milky titties and tree growing out of Her vagina. In Egypt, despite thrir wild all nighter orgies, the Egyptians reduced Her to a triangle with a tree growing out of it. Ironic, if you ask me. The Greatest Empire known for their orgies before God El Elohim bitch slapped them with His Moses led Exodus, censored public nudity!?! I wonder if they were just devent people or was that the Atlantean traits Thoth taught them? Just pondering.

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KEEPER منذ 2 الشهور

@WMHarrison94: lol you would make the most hilarious documentary, then God Almighty sent his loyal servant Moses as lightning struck the ground and flames ensued arose Moses and he bitch slapped the land for their ignorance" lol

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Toki منذ 2 الشهور

@KEEPER: I use waifu avatars because I like to look at them. Mine are never lolis either. They are thicc women. Goth sorceress witch in Goblin Slayer. https://i.redd.it/serious-ques....tion-female-knight-o

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Toki منذ 2 الشهور

@WMHarrison94: Nothing wrong with art though. It's simping for real women that destroys everything. Waifus take away women's power. I find it amusing way back in the day some men created their own waifu goddesses to escape the suffering of real life and humans around them who only seek to exploit them.

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Toki منذ 2 الشهور

@KEEPER: Why does TFM use Celestina instead of some trash thot co-host like the cuck Quatering or Tim Pool? I know Celestina is far more lovely than any of those hoes like Melonie Mac.

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KEEPER منذ 2 الشهور

@Toki: cuz he likes fucking dolls lol, anyway i think you showed me this episode of your avatar, i think the anime was about ppl with super powers or something, and she was a sorcerous, it's a vague memory.

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Toki منذ 2 الشهور

@KEEPER: It's a fantasy anime like a Warcraft/Lord of the Rings but more hardcore and badass by far. With a masculine lead and feminine female characters. Nothing wrong with fucking dolls when we also use toilets and kitchen sinks for everyday human needs. More logical than letting another human exploit you for an annoying biological need changing your entire lifestyle to handle one obnoxious body need. More logical than letting women on podcasts and allowing them to speak when everyone just looks at their tits anyways. At least anime women have something intelligent or adorable to add when they speak.

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KEEPER منذ 2 الشهور

@Toki: i didn't say there was anything wrong with fucking dolls. i think you went off and got a little too upset by my comment lol, calm now, i didn't mean it the way you reacted to lol.

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KEEPER منذ 2 الشهور

reading text can be misinterpreted i get it.

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Toki منذ 2 الشهور

@Toki: Yeah I know. It's just usually an insult to say this man fucks dolls. As if real women aren't just empty-headed ugly dolls covered in makeup. Even the cuckaroo Trump pays billions to fuck "dolls" like that nasty hoe Stormy Daniels. I will take an inanimate doll over Stormy Daniels even if she wanted me for free or wanted to pay me for sex. Or women in my local area who are all hoe single moms dragging down our economy. Dolls are angels. They don't "vote" for example. That's why I always try to show you the glory of waifus. They are even better than dolls because they have personality.

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