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Don't Marry, Just Lease - MGTOW

452 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 03 Oct 2020 / Im Leute & Blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mike and here's what he has to say: "Howdy Sandman, I recall that in passing you mentioned that Incel was getting bigger than MGTOW. What in the world is helping that community grows while ours continues to shrink. I mean come on both are demonitized and both discuss female nature. But incels or true forced loneliness, as you called them years ago are toxic and angry and can't seem to calm down. I'd like to hear your take on this google trends image I've included in my email." Well Mike thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment and try to explain why I think the Incel community is bigger than the MGTOW one now but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So if you see what's happening in this graph you'll see that MGTOW doesn't appear to be all that hip and sporty anymore. I'm starting to see the manosphere as a generational thing. Back in the early 2000s when the online men's rights movement had cemented itself as the cutting edge of thinking. Initially MGTOW as a concept was conceived as men being masculine and women being feminine but both groups still working together. The men's rights movement peaked in the summer of 2014 when they held the first men's rights conference and most of the personalities including Paul Elam, Karen Straughan, John The Other and many more were all well over forty. So at that time MGTOW began it's ascent. It made sense because the dating market was terrible, but you could still get a date as Tinder was barely on the radar in 2009 when Barbarossa started MGTOW in it's current incarnation. But he was pissed that not only was marriage and divorce as an institution a terrible deal for men and that men should only go on strike but that men should go their own way and self actualize instead of getting married or moving in with a woman. That made sense back then especially as Tinder blew women's expectations out of control staring in 2012 and we all knew that the men's rights movement hadn't changed a single law. Why take part in something that doesn't work. So men saw that they could learn about female nature through MGTOW and focus on themselves while still holding out hope that the unicorn was still out there. That seems to be the trend that I've noticed with the majority of guys going their own way. That they are still holding onto hope that there's a good woman out there instead of accept the reality that she doesn't exist. But since Tinder and Bumble have completely destroyed dating for the average man over the last seven or eight years there is a huge segment of the male population that is not angry at women because of the way they are being treated by them. They are angry at women for not even knowing they exist. They are learning about looks maxxing so they can get dates with women and are thirstier than ever. The game of getting together with gals is becoming so tough that guys are quitting before they even start.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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MoonBase 4 Jahre vor

"Incel is bigger than mgtow." FaceandLMS, 40k subs, has social anxiety. Better Bachelor, 220k subs worked at a strip club. We're fine dude. People just don't use the label anymore after adpocalypse. When I was new to Incel people I gave them the benefit of the doubt too, but they don't actually have the "personality" they think they should be loved for at all.

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libertyanyday 4 Jahre vor

mgtow addresses the problem....... incels do not care WHAT the problem is . incels need to ACCEPT the laws and FIND work arounds......... that is how success replaces perma victimology .... hope is NOT a strategy

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mekkar 4 Jahre vor

“If it flies, floats or fucks, rent it, don’t buy it,” said the character Tommy Earl Bruner in Dan Jenkins’ novel, Baja Oklahoma (1981). The saying means that owning an airplane or a boat can be expensive and it’s cheaper to rent—and the same can be said for women.

The saying (with “fornicates” often replacing “fucks") has been widely quoted, but as an “old saying” and usually without credit to Dan Jenkins.

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CanberraMGTOW 4 Jahre vor

No doubt you can quiz the queen about her quacking queef.

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PlazmoidialSoup 4 Jahre vor

Man! I was just thinking I gotta become a protected class and go trans for work Wtf gotta go get gender dysphoria...

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