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Dr Eric Berg EXPOSED!!!! - Berg's Son Talks Money & Scientology

122 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 10 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animatie

Are you also tired of this hack?
I noticed a tonne of truther advertising this lucifarian false prophet and not one exposure on BITCHUTE? is this supposed to be a truther platform? Exaggeration obviously but common guys PICK UP YOUR GAME!!!!!!!!!!! THE TRUTH DEPENDS ON IT!!!!!!!
Original link - - check out his channel if you want exposure on scientology, very good highly recommended

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I had to boost as this is very interesting and need to listen to a few times over otherwise I will forget.
I'm not so sure this is fully completely true. It could be his son is having daddy problems with his doctor daddy and wants to ruin him.

Then again I could be wrong and he could be telling the truth and whole truth. Scientology Dr Eric Berg I can see why however I used to his advice a while ago and just without thinking moved over to Dr. KEN Berry who does the same thing just better.

Scientology is just another business masking as a religion aka scam to steal money from you.

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 1 jaar geleden

Thank you brother, If you Check Arron Levi's Channel he will inform you everything about scientology with all of his guests and his base knowledge. He was my go to for my research as base of operations and then i spread out into people like Andrew Gould. Basically in a nutshell it is another brand of lucifer worship. Only very high Scientologists are told this. very similar to the 33 degrees in masonry. I got into Berg because of my knee problems cuz i used his chiro physio tips. 6 months proir i come across dietitian, researcher and healer Barbera O'neil and she was basically very contradictive to Bergs dietary advice and then he started selling products i was out big time. When i found out he was a mid lvl Scientologist none of it surprised me. Thanks for your support brother it is appreciated. respect

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 1 jaar geleden

forgot to mention they perfected and bottle necked MKUltra from hollywood

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