
Egypt is HIDING something BIG at the border with Gaza, THIS IS BAD _ Redacted News

47 Просмотры
Опубликован в 27 Feb 2024 / В Новости и политика

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Why did Egypt start building a massive open air prison on their land back in 2014? Right next to the border crossing with Israel. It's almost as if someone knew exactly what was about to happen to Gaza.

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WMHarrison94 1 год тому назад

I thought border fences or walls were fascists?!

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WMHarrison94 1 год тому назад

Well, they have been planning this for years and they have annual "world leadership" meetings to keep them on track.. duh.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 1 год тому назад

good video

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 1 год тому назад

Burn the Jews with Nukes - Holy Caustic 2.0

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Councilof1 1 год тому назад

I find it hilarious that people protesting throughout the West to save Palestine yet won't actually do anything. Even worse is how much the arabs of the middle east seem to care about Palestine. Oh wait I just pointed out the uncomfortable truth they don't like. Like most of humanity they want someone else to do the work for them.

As soon as Hamas attacked Israel it was obvious Israel would ethnically cleanse Gaza. I said that on this site. Hamas played right into Israeli hand's. Which isn't surprising given that Israel had a hand in the creation of Hamas. Israel did the same with Islamic State. They even saved Islamic State fighters from death at the hand's of Syrian forces.

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Councilof1 1 год тому назад

As for weapons bans they only apply if a nation state signs onto that particular treaty. There's many International Treaties which Israel never signed up for. Take a look it's surprising.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 1 год тому назад

I have put up a lot of Max Igans videos on my channel - give them a look over.... The truth runs a lot deeper than what the main sleaze media feeds you.

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