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End of the Year with Sandman

160 Visualizações
Publicado em 30 Dec 2020 / Em Entretenimento

⁣Sandman joins MGTOW Chats for an end of the year wrap up.

Most people - same job, same gig, doing the same thing 10 years from
now. Us, we don't know what we are doing 10 minutes from now. So goes
the life of a full fledged MGTOW.

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whatever1 4 anos atrás

guys thanks 4 this

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KEEPER 4 anos atrás

the guy that sandman is chatting with has the stereo typical sound of an jew lol.

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MGTOWCHATS 4 anos atrás

someones just walked in late to the party.

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KEEPER 4 anos atrás

@MGTOW CHATS: lol don't pretend this offends you lol.

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KEEPER 4 anos atrás

this was actually a good conversation, i learned a lot through sandman's perspective.
something he lacks in most of his videos, now i know about the conversation of brave and the follow-up, and i hope brace actually turns around and actually pays him for once.

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KEEPER 4 anos atrás

hopefully brave actually comes through and pays sandman.
i chose to keep the browser because of it's ad and tracker blocking capability's. i never liked their earning money through BAT, it was way to slow in earnings. so i just stuck with the no ads period version of the app.

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csehszlovakze 4 anos atrás

Vivaldi has the same blocking capabilities now.

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KEEPER 4 anos atrás

does that work on both phone and pc with background video playback?

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