Bist du 18 Jahre alt oder älter?
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MEN are Evolcing femons are devolving into stupid childish scum that don't derserve MAN's attention anymore, We are evolving without femons they are now obsolete.
Get a dog instead
@SoloMan Zone: To much hassle, alone is happiness for me.
@mrghoster: get a goldfish
@SoloMan Zone: Tempting, but with the cost of living crisis I would probably end up eating iut!
I could get a PET ROCK I suppose even that would be less harder and cold than my Ex? lol! I like my partners 2Pettit" so maybe a pebble?
@mrghoster: Yep I remember them and the clapping things and the key finder just whistle
I'm a Strong Insependent MALE, I don't need no femon, drizzle drizzle.
Antoian Kordiyal
United States
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MEN are Evolcing femons are devolving into stupid childish scum that don't derserve MAN's attention anymore, We are evolving without femons they are now obsolete.
I'm a Strong Insependent MALE, I don't need no femon, drizzle drizzle.