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Femons In The US Army

40 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 04 Feb 2025 / Im Film & Animation
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Alpha070 12 Tage vor

Females in all Roles of Military Eccept Nurses are as Useles as "Tits on a Frog"

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 12 Tage vor

They are breeders and not swiss army knives

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 1 Monat vor

If I was in charge I'd immediately force all women in the military into front line combat roles with all femon supply chain and support teams. All would accept the norplant birth control or get dishonorably discharged. The few that still get pregnant have to make up all maternity leave. All men would stand down and get desk jobs. This of course would lead to a total shit show, but that's the point. Throw them into any and all conflicts going on in the world and after only a few months women would promise to never go into the military again.

I believe people should get what they ask for, and they should get it good and hard.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 Monat vor

They would fail quickly.....its only men that prop femons up in almost everything

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James1225 1 Monat vor

Not fit for purpose, always coddled. I quite remember portable potties being required for females in the field, meanwhile a shovel and a never sufficient amount of
toilet paper to wipe one’s ass for us gents lol….Don’t seem to be bothered about it much these days, that
is defending a country that hates my skin color and masculinity, clown world will take care of it one way or
another….Cheers to the not so enlightened new days….

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 Monat vor

Entitled even when they are grunts

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James1225 1 Monat vor

@SoloMan Zone: that is a term earned, piglets an accurate description

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