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Femons Jealousy

56 vistas
Publicado en 02 Feb 2025 / En Cine y Animación


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Calling All Stations

If that's the west coast then the old bag probably sees at least one white guy with an attractive asian woman per day. Probably quite a few. The harsh reality of her post wall self makes her boil with resentment and seeing these far more attractive asian females preening made her snap.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 mes hace

The thing is she was never that attractive when she was young

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usr6874038614 1 mes hace

Granny's from a time when this self-showing was considered vanity. She also doesn't realize that now slapping someone is outlawed. And in her days the younger generation respected the elder ones. How the world has changed over the past decades...

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 mes hace

They have become self centered rude and disrespectful

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WMHarrison94 1 mes hace

Uhm, "women" eager to kill their unborn kids did not clue you in on the drastic change?

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 mes hace

Forgive me mgtow for I have sinned.. I AM after that 38yo cinderella worker girl. to start a family if I can get her.. They moved me to another neighborhood 3 of 5 days a week.. and I did not tell her.. just doing my thing.. She will figure it out.. I will only give her so much more room anyways the neighborhood I am working in is full of gorgeous miami women.. walking the sidewalks every morning.. but so I AM still after the 38yo redhead. but am a man about it.. not gonna simp for no bitch.. I AM better than THAT..

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WMHarrison94 1 mes hace

Just a jealous old lesbian cunt...

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Calling All Stations

I had to laugh when the one girl told her "you're old, I'll push you down the stairs." Good comeback.

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WMHarrison94 1 mes hace

When aren't they jealous?

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