Foreign Women Are Telling Men to Come While Modern Women Are Entitled
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Equipment used
Canon M50
Canon M6 Mark II
Sigma 16mm F/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens for Canon EF-M
Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens for Canon EF-M
95Wh(6600mAh) V Mount/V-Lock Battery with D-tap Output Charger and D-Tap
Wireless Lavalier Microphone System compatible
ProMaster 2 Light AC Softbox Kit 20" X 20" - PRO1984
#passportbros #passport #Travel #bluebookgentlemen #passportkings
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And like a dumb purple pill guy who believe in unicorns ,you believe these foreign cunts .They only tell men what they want to hear ,they just want more options to exploit more men .AWALT ,if they have social medias ,they will cheat ,if they have dating apps ,they will cheat and you know why ,it's called HYPERGAMY .You passport bros are ridiculous ,it seems that you only travel to find bitches ,how pathetic .
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Yeah the men they all declaring to be scumbags, have walked.
Now the foreign women are scumbags.... while the snivelling ingrates miss out.