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Get Down Low & Shake It Hoe, AI

Published on 12 Jan 2025 / In Music

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

"If you lift up your skirt, I'd eat it if you let me..." Now theres something I would NEVER say to any western women. Fuck around and get mouth-herpes. fuck all that shit xD

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KEEPER 2 months ago

back in those days, i'm sure that was a lot less often found, but the culture was also less open minded on such a thing lol, but this is just AI using common lingo of today in a setting where women and men back then wouldn't have engaged in as much, i mean sure there were speakeasy's and all that, but the majority population were far more sheltered shall i say lol.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

"Shake your booty making your (hoe) mommy proud, embarassing your daddy..." Yep. He said it all.

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KEEPER 2 months ago

the AI gets more accurate and funnier all the time, i love it, i mean accurate of inflection of phrases used, the time period i highly doubt they would have came up with this kind of rockabilly song lol, but then again they did have speakeasy clubs back then and those places is where all the contraband events took place, the illegal underground alcohol distribution took place for these special pubs to exist, where people would do all manor of illegal activities all night long, i guess the modern day equivalent would be to enter into a high school party, doing drugs and drinking and getting with the under aged women as an adult way passed their age and getting away with it. shit i wouldn't dare do in this day and age because just one accusation from a modern women, that's life in jail, that's simply not worth it in the end.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: Hmmm. You mean like High Schoolers havingnsex in Girls restroom cause the boy identified as a girl... nah, it never happened. They just transfer the boy to another school. As for the Underground Prohibition alcohol trade and distribution, bro, they literally were underground and in caves or in secret clubs and pubs...Like the shit that went on in Chicago alone...Warehouses or restaurant and pubs with sevret rooms, secret passages, a multitude of secret escape routes... No wonder the cops joined them in the partying or ignored, but the rampart prostitution going on along side...I also believe there are some Haunted America ghost stories sbout drunk people dying in the cabes getting lost on their way out.. not tobmention the St. Valentine Day's massacre.

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KEEPER 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: yeah that reminds me of this one ghost video i watched where this couple were doing some renovations on their property and found a tunnel that had water in it and they found that it was used for the prohibition era, man back then ppl had to be creative to get away with that stuff lol.

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