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Give Women Power & Make Everyone Poor - MGTOW

379 vistas
Publicado en 16 Jul 2020 / En Personas y blogs

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation fomr Roger. He didn't send me a topic but sent me a donation. So what I'd like to explore is my thinking that leftists and feminists are intentionally pushing women into positions of power and authority to make us poorer. Also that feminism and equality is not about elevating women to the level of men with regards to earnings power and social status. But instead it's about ultimately lowering men down to women's level. It can be argued that this was done back in the 1970s and 1980s back when Dolly Parton went to work with her big boobies which would be the perfect #MeToo sexual harrassment lawsuit in the making. She could knock the guy in the cubicle next to her down with her knockers and he would be the one getting hurt playing drop the soap in prison. Encouraging women to enter the workforce was the perfect way to use women's greed to crash the economy. It impoverished everyone by driving down the price of wages. One man used to be able to support a family. Now two adults working fulltime can't support a family unless they are heavily in debt. When women started working in the 1970s and 80s the women that were early entering that workforce didn't see as much of a drop in the purchasing power of their wages as much as the women did when entering the workforce in the 1980s and 1990s. People say it was all about empowering women. Empowering them from being desperate housewives to wage slaves. It expanded the economy at first and that's why we saw the colossal home price rise in the 1980s. But when the houses went up then it became a necessity for both parents to work. That was the initial push to get pushy women into the workforce. But today's push to give women power to sit their fat gassy asses on fifty percent of board of director chairs of companies in places like Commiefornia amounts to sabotage of capitalism. I'll get to my thoughts about this and a way I've found to escape the poverty of expensive house prices in the west in a moment, but before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back with the show. I strongly believe that leftists all over the world are intentionally mandating that women take power in corporations and government all over the world not because of equality but instead to speed up the fiscal insolvency and chaos in order to lead to the failure of society so that socialists and communists can take over. As a result I'm predicting that many men will not fight against this. Instead men will leave from one failed US state to the next and then the states they go to will also fail. Good examples of this recently are Tim Pool deciding to leave New Jersey and Elon Musk leaving Commiefornia for Texas. Unfortunately for Musk Texas will soon be a democratic shit hole as well. But if he can get a good five to ten years of the good life there with no wife then I'm all for it. In fact, in light of all of this where leftist governments are making their societies prohibitively expensive due to higher taxation and not letting the free market work freely I've decided that I'm going to leave Canada, at least for half the year if the economic situation doesn't change. Most likely during the coldest times of the year and become what we call up here a snowbird. Fly away before it shows. The plan is to move to Eastern Europe for six months during the year and get a trailer here in Canada.

9 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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fistohiydi 5 años hace
24 July 2020 - TFM 420 - The Morning Constitutional: 7/24/2020

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MortRigo 5 años hace

Bitchute has their server in San Francisco which makes me suspicious.

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sauger1001 5 años hace

Well, Rogan did get a little "help"($$$) from Spotify. It isn't like he simply upped and moved on his own. LMAO!

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UnwillingVillian 5 años hace

The cities and states that have not yet turned into liberal run third world hell holes need to be very wary of libtards and their politics metestathising (the term used to describe cancer spreading through the body) to their communities.

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