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Giza Pyramid Cover-Up EXPOSED: Massive City, Hidden Tunnels and Ancient Tech Beneath the Pyramids!

Published on 25 Mar 2025 / In News & Politics

A team of researchers just announced a groundbreaking discovery beneath Egypt’s Giza Plateau: a vast complex of underground chambers and shafts extending nearly two kilometers under the famous pyramids. Italian and Scottish researchers claim they've discovered "a vast underground city" under the pyramids. Using Synthetic Aperture Radar.

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KellyRoach 3 days ago

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WMHarrison94 4 days ago

Maybe? WTF are you talking about?! Of vpursebit is. They are keeping us humans in perpetual amnesia. I've bern tracking this after very timevwe had a High Society say Eye of Sahara Atlantis, Spainard Atlantis, Exodus out of Avaris, Pharaoh Ahmose I's Egypt as written in the Tempest Stele, the Temple Stele, and Ahmose's stele nevermind the Bible, Fall of Rome, etc... over and over again across ten to twelve eons atleast

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WMHarrison94 4 days ago

I remember David Knight talking about this. He said was coincidence since the units were not in meters or m/s but in cubits. I personally wonder if there is fome futurists colonizing our past as the series Terra Nova demonstrates. Personally, I think the izs Pyramids were survival bunkers. And yes, there's ancient relics of technology, sound technology, found in South Africa using sound to melt gold and pump it out. Udi n g wands moving stones? A Wizards wand? Interesting, in South Africa, they found a bunch of spheres, which I believe were light bulbs responding to sound certain frequencies as shown in Tomb Raider, that these were used say in pyramids snd tombs where no ask or evidence of fires found and the idea of Wizards throwing fire balls.

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