i'm not sure how acurate the AI can get, from the people who run these channels on youtube they say the AI comes up with everything, which means there is no input from them, although one channel made it seem like you could make suggestions to the AI and see if it was willing to write a song based on that concept, so who knows lol.
@KEEPER: yeah I heard the same thing depends on which one you use some do it themselves others fuck up and have to be corrected, one of the channels I found on Jewtube said it got censored by Jewtube for the "Language" because they used a song with NEGRO AND NIGGA and Jewtube said no even though the channel said it was from AI they didn't care so he censored it then kept it monetized yet it wasn't all that of a song
@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: if your asking if TFM is a coder, then no, he's had people ask questions in the past and he knows nothing about coding, like he has a basic understanding but nothing really informative, people have asked about his thoughts on similar things such as code in robotics, and he can't say because he doesn't know that kind profession. any way i haven't listened to TFM in over a year now, but i might listen if he was willing to make his show fun again, he's been so damn serious that it puts me off.
@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: on your youtube comment, yeah some of them have gotten passed the filter, maybe it has to do with the singer, because one thing i have noticed about youtube is if a nigga just so happens to be saying nigga, than youtube lets it go, but if it's a white guy saying this, they aren't allowed to get away with it, it's so stupid lol. like that cyeal channel who does those videos about sexy women NPC's in video games constantly says nigga but he's a nigga and admits it lol but youtube fucks off when he says the word, it's like the algorithm knows your a nigga lol and does racist bias thinking and allows the words only if it comes from a nigga but not anyone else.
like this video i got from youtube and this dude is a self proclaimed nigga and he constantly gets away with saying nigga in his videos where any white guy has to walk on glass around every god damn word on youtube. so clearly there is a shit load of double standards going on with youtube, https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/how....-hypocrisy-kills-wes
now i like his content, i like that he speaks his mind on this shit, and i also like his songs that he just throws together before his videos, he's a very creative and passionate individual and he knows he gets away with saying this stuff, he uses his black privilege to it's fullest lol.
@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: makes sense though for Jewtube: Hearing the N-word allows certain men to legally go apeshit with no consequences on them... though I always thing the N-word is NAZI. They are the true enemy... the Rothchilds, the WW2 NAZI Jew Soros, etc... the Cathedral..., but Nigga, please. Are not allowed to talk about or mention the countries Niger and Nigeria?! Then again, there is a country Chad... why not Tyrone?
@KEEPER: Yeah. The dumpster fires were fu, but with our current "situation" TFM's economic insight and Popp's Tuesdays "Intel dives" are needed and valuable...
@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: and why the fuck not? he can basically get away with saying anything he damn well pleases right now, youtube might take his monetization's away but that's now why he came to youtube in the first place anyway, he wanted to push back on all the bullshit subversion going on in the gaming industry that's been going on for a while now because he got sick and tired of seeing it, but he's also sick and tired of all the fucking censorship which is why he constantly goes after these dipshits in the media or these idiots who call themselves journalists when they are really your average every day dipshit on twitter spreading their activism and people are getting sick of these dipshit company's pretending they represent the gamers as a whole, when most gamers want them gone never to come back to the industry which is why everyone is suddenly against the likes of Kotaku and SBI or sweet baby inc and any other shitty diversity hire company filled with activists, it's why so many games are being actively boycotted because the real gamers are getting sick and tired of all this nonsense constantly being injected into the media we consume, it's the same people who inject this shit in our movies and tv shows and people again are sick of the subversion of reality they are being subjected to.
@KEEPER: yeah... they ate trying to use these damn double standards to recreate rascism in the US, but it won't work. What is working is Trump's sham trial uniting everyone against them NAZI Jewcome sucking whores in "power."
for myself i'm willing to allow these companies to go full on bankrupt ono these ideas because at least from that direction, there is a chance that these games and tv shows or movies might go back to some normalcy without all the bullshit subversion and activism being constantly injected in our media, because at that point these IP's can be purchased off the hands of these dipshit activists to a more competent owner and be brought back to what matters in entertainment. make entertainment entertaining again.
@KEEPER: Back to the AI songs, it was my understanding you gave the AI prompts to create say a song or picture. If so, I would bet TFM might be doing some of that... as for RGE, I keep forgetting to listen to him. I've been watching a lit of anime, recently the Seven Deadly Sins... almost done.
@WMHarrison94: yeah that seems to be how the AI generation works, but there are diffrent AI programs out there and not all of them work the same way, so that's probably why one user said he didn't add anything but the other said or suggested that's how the song was created, so these two channels might be using 2 separate AI's to generate the songs on their perspective channels, i get a lot of these songs from other channels, i choose on what ones i think are the best out of them, because some of the songs are down right stupid or they might have a good title but the song sounds dumb, it's a bit of a hit or miss kind of situation, some are just down right funny, but the message i'm not a fan of, like one of the songs was called " Johnny take my panties off" it sounds like it's going to be a good song, but when you start listening and it turns out the dude is wearing her panties which i will admit is funny but the song is in the progressive direction which i hate to no end.
@KEEPER: I agree with everything you and WMHARRISON94 said and for Gaming look at RGEs latest video Called MAKE THE GAMING INDUSTRY FEAR YOU his advice is sound and talks about how to avoid MICROSHAFT, SOYNI, LUBESOFT/UBISUCKS and he has said in the past he has Back log of games he would rather play or mobile games and thats just as good or bow we've better with mod and 4k graphics support and because they trying to fuck with Halo many real gamers are going to be Pissed they better not do that to THE NEW DOOM DARK AGES GAME or DOOM is over R.I.P and back to QUAKE 4K mods or QUAKE CHAMPIONS :D \G/
@WMHarrison94: Are you a real Gamer where is your Gamer License? Mines was made Back in 95 with QUAKE, DOOM AND DUKE NUKEM, show yours otherwise your not a real Gamer haha jk :D \G/
@KEEPER: Are you a real Gamer where is your Gamer License? Mines was made Back in 95 with QUAKE, DOOM AND DUKE NUKEM, show yours otherwise your not a real Gamer haha jk :D \G/
@KEEPER: https://cdn.swisscows.com/imag....e?url=https%3A%2F%2F Can you believe this shite actually exists you need a license to make develop shitty DEI games what a fucking joke just let them get back to make real fun epic games
@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: the idea of the backlog that RGE mentions i agree with i have a shit load of games i have yet to play that i own on steam, some of them i just got because they were on sale for super cheap, like i got a bunch of the hitman games on sale for like 20 bucks i played one of them but the issue is sometimes the games you get don't always draw you in as much as they could, like one of the games i got for super cheap was the mafia games, and i played the remake of mafia 1 and it was an ok game, it was open world but it didn't feel like an open world game, it was very linear, i mean you could drive around the city if you wanted, but the story was structured to the point if you tried to go out of bounds it was just dumb, there were no activities of any kind like you would get in a GTA game it was boring outside the story on the linear path, so it was just hard to get into and there was also so little room for fun outside the linear path, then i decided to skip the second game, and go straight into the 3rd game where you play a black guy and i played that for a bit, but it also felt linear and too limiting, so it was hard for me to want to pick up again. open world games to me are just so much better built to keep me coming back, but what i like the most are open world games that have a story but with many optional choices a person can make but i also like the aspect of the world being a sort of sandbox, maybe i'm just too spoiled with the open world game aspect to get into the more linear games, some i can get into, like any of the splinter cell games or the old assassins creed games, people won't really call these games open world but they were considered open world games when they released and in many cases they have a better story than a lot of the new stuff coming out.
@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: specifically the older AC games, i don't like the new RPG style AC games, even though i like games like skyrim and fallout as RPG's it doesn't mean i will just accept assassins creed in that direction as well, these games started out as more of science fiction, but now they are fantasy, which is a bit of a bait and switch and i liked the AC games when they were more realistic, the stories were better written back then, now it's just anything and everything.
@KEEPER: I agree. Some push back needs to be on say YT and X er Twitter... whatever. Normies need to see there is dissent and we need to keep boycotting to bankruptcy. We need to go back to privately owned Indies and as RGE pointed out, don't take their poisoned handout investor money and for God's sake, don't become dependent on it. This is how the rich, the NAZI Rothchilds and their ilk and Jew come guzzling whores are taking over our industries especially food poisoning us through Blackrock Investments and it's owner-madters Vanguard Investments, which I strongly believe is the Rothchilds, and these are the WEF in action by manipulating loans. I do not know if we could legal bar companies from adding these stipulations to the loans especially Rothchilds control banking institutions, but we should try or at the least make all stipulations publicly known and any secret stipulations make the loan void and void and opens up to immediate public inquiry... though I also want a law to fire DAs who refuse to do their jobs or give rich "donors" lighter sentences say for child porn or pedophilia...even execution as I see that as traitorous behaviors agai st their Constitutional jobs and the Amrrican republics, each state is its own republic.
@KEEPER: oh... you reminded me of er pedo Tom Hanks in Dan Akroid's Dragnet remake I believe it was... it should the Pedowood game... a Hugh Hefner character makes his Playboy like magazine selling it off and he leads an underground group influences dumb THOTs to riot and boycott the magazines even burning them... An underground group called P.AG.A.N. people against normalcy and shit... I forget but Hanks spells it out... apparently his character wears his GF's panties... youbdiscover it from their banter. She's a cop too I believe.
@WMHarrison94: dude he's totally joking about that shit lol, but i can see that shit happening in the future with the way shit has been going south in the gaming space, Playstation for example are trying to force players to have their faces scanned before they are allowed to play their games, but right now it's considered as a joke because that doesn't exist, but yeah playstation are actively trying to push this shit on the gamers, that is fucking nuts in my eyes, i would rather that company go bankrupt on that idea than further support them on that shit.
@KEEPER: man... now you got me wanting to go back to my PS4 shooting robot dinosaurs, play Spiderman, and my Lara Croft and er the Uncharted games... especially since that latest Horizon game was wokified with the redhead hottie outcast chick being masculinized and Lara being wokified as we speak... NO MORE TOMB RAIDER games... guess some pervert should start making Womb Raider games to replace Lara Croft now...
@WMHarrison94: yeah this is why i'm not a big fan of games that don't allow modding, and what i mean by modding is unfettered access to modding and manipulating everything in the game files possible, some games allow some modifications but nothing really substantial.
@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: There was Nude Raider for DOS Eidos' Tomb Raider and the first two chapters of Tomb Raider 2. I might still have them, my WIN 98 computer won't start up and it is not the power supply. I replaced it...
@WMHarrison94: Fuck better not be the Graphics or motherboard or Bios those fuckers attract dust like A magnet if only these fuckers could make new and modern PCs with coolant systems than can run and operate Windows 98 in 4k 120fps or more that would be the dream to see Old school Lara nude with Beefed up graphics and more, A gamer can Only hope haha :D get the PC Checked out and fully restored so you enjoy nude raider all over again:D \G/
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Funny song... you know I'm starting to suspect TFM is programming some of these... if there's a Sweet Corn and ass song...I would bet it's him!?! LOL!