Government POPULATION CONTROL Program EXPOSED, Funded By USAID To CONTROL Foreign Countries
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Publicado en 10 Feb 2025 / En
Noticias y Política
Government POPULATION CONTROL Program EXPOSED, Funded By USAID To CONTROL Foreign Countries
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they have been slowly sterilizing us in the states, this is why our health in this country is so bad, but it's also due to bad behaviors in our culture the eating of fast food, but if you look at the whole food that we buy in this country, damn near everything is meant to be unhealthy, that high fructose corn syrup is in every food item possible, the stuff is poison.
you know when they talk about our T levels, this never happened with the greatest generation, hell those in their late 80s 90s guys have T levels stronger than a lot of gen x, gen Millennials, gen z, because their generation weren't poisoned like we were due to the poison in our foods, also the on tap porn we have access to, i mean porn has existed long before this point, but all these things together are all meant to reduce the population and the effect is stacking with all generations right now.
groups that formed like MGTOW or the incell guys are kind of created due to other adjustments within the culture, feminism basically caused MGTOW.
the thing is, it's likely too late to fix things, unless they take women's rights away and allow men to fuck them like bunnies and make kids, but that won't happen with the culture we have now, i know Trump made it so divorce is slightly more fare, but it's simply not enough to get most men back to the plantation, especially when that shit can change once another person wins POTUS and changes these laws, this shit would have to be in the constitution before anyone takes it seriously.
been talking about this for a decade now and nobody cared up until this USAID nonsense, man even what's going on in MGTOW is apart of this plan to reduce the population.