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Greenpeace Found Liable

26 Просмотры
Опубликован в 20 Mar 2025 / В Фильм и анимация
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mrghoster 11 дней тому назад

GREEN-PISS has become to the Environment what FENONism has become to Femon's! lol! It's like this STOP OIL crap, Supposing we did stop using oil? The first to complain they didn't have car's, Fake up, plastic's and much more would be these hypocrite's when there were no more Latie machines being made and they are cold because there won't be any double glazing anymore! lol! They make me want to puke!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 11 дней тому назад

All are hypocrites and a lot of them are femons

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mrghoster 11 дней тому назад

GREEN-PISS have become a liability to WOKE and NET ZERO Governments because NET ZERO iosn't about saving the planet, but making a BUCK, you'd think they would be at home with that wouldn't you, but GREED has no bounds does it?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 11 дней тому назад

I think it has been feminized

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mrghoster 11 дней тому назад

@SoloMan Zone: Well that render's it useless then! lol!

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WMHarrison94 5 дней тому назад

@mrghoster: probably smells like piss, dead fish, and dried period blood! O boy! Can't wait to join.... and to think men used to join Green Piece for pussy. I guess we did wise up...

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sbseed 11 дней тому назад

i personally think that greenpeace was created specifically for its current activity...
it would not surprise me that they where actually peacefull about their protesting at first because it allowed them to become well established in the media and with the public...
the so called greenpeace was/is supplied financially from stolen money via taxes from several governments, also i believe (could be mistaken on this one) by the UN...
they also recieved money from the three prime evil jews, soros (this one for sure, he bragged about it at one point) / rockefeller / rothschild at least to start...

much like the 'federal reserve'...

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 11 дней тому назад

Not when it started way back but most people left when it went political and destructive

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WMHarrison94 5 дней тому назад

Soros is Rothchilds' demonic gay bitch..

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WMHarrison94 11 дней тому назад

Oh. The best Green Peace scene is with Bruce Willis at the beginning of Armageddon when he's practicing his swing .. Damn, Bruce told us back then before they poisoned him and he lost his cognitive abilities...

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 11 дней тому назад

and his wife is always trying to get attention from his illness you notice

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WMHarrison94 11 дней тому назад

Yeah... but since those days of Green Peace, unhinged demonic white whores took over... so Canadia eh...I think we now know why Southpark says "Blame Canada!" I only hope it was worth it with like topless white bitches or them streaking... kind of cold up there-- hard nipples maybe?! LOL! I mean we did get Anita Sarkeshian the Gamer Gate tag along from Canadian Feminists. Damn, and I thought our feminists were bad...Lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 11 дней тому назад

The are everywhere yelling and screaming

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