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Here's A New Term Gents. "The Dating Wealth Gap."

110 Просмотры
771 subscribers
Опубликован в 04 Feb 2025 / В Люди и блоги

You know women are going to run with this.
Search "The Dating Wealth Gap Is Getting Wider."

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ExperimentalGroup 1 месяц тому назад

That ain’t the only gap that’s getting wider…

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sbseed 1 месяц тому назад

my question to this whore is; so these rich whores are going to start paying for dates and take care of the men then?

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sbseed 1 месяц тому назад

i thought he was going to say the flapping gap in the face and the other flapping gap lips in the crotch....
bleeding rot slots...

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 1 месяц тому назад

She is hungry, wants to eat, so she (keenly - to keep the options open) accepts a date to a dinner out on the town....

She's totally keen on eating all the food, until it's time for the free loading parasite pay her own way.......

"What do you mean we are splitting the bill?"

"LOL - I paid for what I bought - See you!"

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GenerationLESS 1 месяц тому назад

He who has the gold makes the rules...Just like the old B.B. King song goes; "As long as I'm paying the bills, I'm paying cost, I'm being the boss."
Men paying for women's consumerism in the past can be seen in the introduction of the old "Jetsons" cartoon. George is handing the kids money as he drops them off at school. Then when he drops Jane off at the mall, he pulls out a bill and she grabs the whole damn wallet! This shit has been programed to being like this.

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