
Here We Go Again

36 Visualizações
Publicado em 27 Jul 2024 / Em Filme & Animação
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mrghoster 8 meses atrás

Stone has probably picked a lot of "BONER's" in her time! lol! sorry "Bones"!

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mrghoster 8 meses atrás

I remember that PRICK Phil collins of Genesis say if Blair got in he would leave the UK for good, Never did! lol! This is why you don't fall for the Glam of these ASSHOLES, they really think they are something but they are NOT,a nd never where!

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WMHarrison94 8 meses atrás

Damn... that's Sharon Stone? Fuck, The WALL took no prisoners...takes no prisoners! I didn't recognize her!? That hottie THOTtie from Basic Instinct with the beaver shot saw around the world...

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Drums_McBashington 8 meses atrás

A pioneer in Hollywood Thottery, meanwhile: European flicks have smoking hot specimens, walking around completely nude, just 'cause, for decades. Check out 'La machine à découdre'. Franco was a sleaze master, made some movies just so the chicks could be naked on film, or so it would seem.

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sauger1001 8 meses atrás

I remember her declaring she was on the Bumble dating app, as if that was a flex. Not much seemingly, has happened since.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 8 meses atrás

She's like all of them superficial nothing more. Had something many years ago that was outward and when that went there was nothing else

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Jaygo 8 meses atrás

@SoloMan Zone: I always saw her as pretty, kind of a regular pretty. But never considered her gorgeous or anything. Her prime was very long ago in her Basic Instinct and Total Recall days. she's now light yrs past those days.

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Jaygo 8 meses atrás

A woman bragging about men still wanting to bang them, is like a man bragging that he can pay to go on an expensive date with a "beautiful" woman.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 8 meses atrás

She had only one thing, and still believes she still got it

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