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Here We Go Again

88 Visualizações
Publicado em 24 Nov 2023 / Em Filme & Animação
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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 1 Ano atrás

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As Western Society deteriorates, this will be a more common occurrence.
The Twelve Year Old in me goes "Woo Hoo!"
The Fifty Year Old in me says "Where's the exit? I want OFF!"

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 Ano atrás

Try and enjoy the ride

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mrghoster 1 Ano atrás

Don't go much on her TIT's they are to pixely for me! lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 Ano atrás

Its just fatty tissue

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mrghoster 1 Ano atrás

When people get Hypothermia one of the side effects is they strip naked? don't know why but it is a fact as many people lost in arctic area's are often found dead in their underwear, yep true check it out. IO was wondering if femon's keep stripping off because their Souls are so ICE COLD they have a Mental HYPOTHERMIA maybe? Personally the sight of a naked femon does's nothing for me, It could be an AGE thing, but a pretty nicely dressed woman in a propper Shirt and a proper top and cardigan still makes me look. but usually I only see them in old movies! lol! As for femons that walk around like they are dressed in a tea towel , they do nothing at all for me. Flauning it all the time has made their appearance boring as well as their numerous MENTAL ILLNESSES and head med's.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 Ano atrás

They are freaks today, but in are day femons did wear clothes that made them classy looking not slutty

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mrghoster 1 Ano atrás

You wouldn't think a femon would want to strip of seeing as it's winter and the place is called "Chilly" sorry Chile. My ex was terrible not for stripping off that was a sight I was privy to rarely, but feeling the cold. I used to call her the FRIDGE, because if she did ever open her leg's a little light came on, just like a Fridge! lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 Ano atrás

I used that joke in a video of mine

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Councilof1 1 Ano atrás

I've taken massive dose's of mushrooms, 10g, and I've never behaved like that. I think they use the drug's as an excuse.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 Ano atrás

yea they don't need drugs they at like this anyways

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