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Gonzo Og | 3 Visualizações

High Value Man REFUSES To Pay For Woman's Food & Leaves!

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Publicado em 13 Jun 2024 / Em Entretenimento
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Jaygo 9 meses atrás

In this age of Equality. Where women and the media are bragging about how many woman have more college degrees, and how women make their own money and is financially independent from Men. A man going on dates paying for the whole meal, by default makes him a simp and a trick,, and his actions shows that he lacks self respect. It also shows that he's literally paying a woman to spend time with him. There's No way around that. If a woman was equally interested in meeting a guy and getting to know him. She'd have no problem paying for her portion of the meal, just as he is. If she's not willing to do that. That 100% proves she's not interested in actually getting to know him. And she has another agenda. She just want a free meal out of you. Because i can assure you. If you were a Chad or Tyrone. She'd have no problem splitting the bill. Hell. Most, if not all of them, would be willing to pay for the whole date just to be spending time with Chad and Tyrone

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SolidSnake33 9 meses atrás

Let's talk about respect for men for second. TWRA or die.

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sauger1001 9 meses atrás

I just don't do dinner dates with women I hardly know. Young men will learn, eventually.

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sauger1001 9 meses atrás

Drizzle Drizzle.

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saaralgris 9 meses atrás

This is why men need to stop taking girls to dinner, especially on the first couple dates. If she's not down for grabbing coffee, taking a walk, or doing something inexpensive to get to know you then she's low caliber, and probably not that into you to begin with. Chad and Tyrone don't have to pay.

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Gonzo Og | 3 Visualizações