
How Can Men Take Control Of Civilization? - MGTOW

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Опубликован в 23 Jan 2025 / В Люди и блоги

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Being put at the top of Homeland Security watchlist means your words are a danger to the dark side, but a guiding light to those seeking truth, just as William Cooper was put at #1 on Bill Clinton's Most Dangerous Radio Hosts list, which Cooper himself said was an honor. Thank you for everything you do. Could you please give your thoughts on the following observations? I am noticing in today's world the following; that fathers and boyfriends can be seen as weak and not taking control. I hear females say they wish men would take more control. As I am write this message there was another school shooting I am sorry to say, where the boom stick user wrote that she had a bad relationship with her divorced father and mother. She stated her father was a drunk and she got her weapons through "lies and manipulation, and my father's stupidity". Lastly, I myself once was traditionally married, and my wife left saying there was no reason for the divorce, she just wanted to leave, and took half of the family wealth, of which I estimate approximately 90% was earned through my employment, and which I acknowledge was legally permissible. So here is an observation: how can men take control when the legal system takes away men's control? Just to be clear on this question, I feel that the father of a household who works to provide the necessities of a family has lost the 'command of direction' of his personal efforts because a wife today knows any of her disagreements will be supported in court giving her the lawful right to disagree without her giving reason and to leave the relationship with half, regardless of the husband's reasoning in regards to the welfare of his family. And so this potential loss of half of a man's past effort tends to either make his will bend, becoming weak and compromising to save the family, or get divorced and become financially weaker. Sandman I appreciate your evaluation of the topic, even when it goes against my feelings toward the subject. Thanks for your time." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. Why am I not surprised that that female shooter Natalie Rupnow blamed her father trying to hold him accountable and not her. As for men taking control over themselves, their family and soyciety in general. You can't be a strong man and have authority over your family because women punish strength yet paradoxically want strong men. It's the a game the strong men can't win so they just walk away from the game entirely. Hence the popularity of going your own way. We are literally taking our balls and going home.

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WMHarrison94 2 месяцы тому назад

Bitches bitch: We should just ignore them like our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

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WMHarrison94 2 месяцы тому назад

I say we don"t. Just create little pocjets of "toxic masculinity" gamer boards abd gatekeep better .. Maybe, keep an eye on the supply lines and buy up supplies jointly before the crash comes...

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