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How MGTOW Philosopher Almost Died In Montana, & How You Can Help

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Publicado en 01 Oct 2024 / En Entretenimiento

Things have been rough of late. What happened to me, why I was gone for so long, and where I am now. All contained herein.

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WMHarrison94 5 meses hace

I hope you feel better: Now, I see why you look sickly... I used to be a flight combat medic and later tried to be a nurse... fucking bitches man!? They really hate men it seems.

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The Realist Philosopher

Women have little concern for men being equal in the fields they dominate. It's been almost a month and a half since I got out of hospital. I've been getting better, but slowly. Both the shock, and the heart attack took a lot out of me. Though I explained all that in the video, including time lines, but I guess not.

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WMHarrison94 5 meses hace

You likely needed more antibiotics. You should get a biopsy done...

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The Realist Philosopher

This was about a month and a half ago. Watch the video. It's been that long since I got out of hospital.

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WMHarrison94 5 meses hace

It was. Sounds like septicemia or at least infected region...

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The Realist Philosopher

It was quite bad. Let's just say that. Thankfully it was cured in regards to the infection, but not the damage it did.

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WMHarrison94 5 meses hace

@The Realist Philosopher: You k ow I read a book called A Healing Intimacy: in it the author states cases and believes it is the trusted physician-patient bond that cam trigger healing, in a sense the state of believing which causes placebos to work. I am coming around to believing for many things say ailments, we might have the ability to heal ourselves with us. Big Pharma's propaganda is designed to move us to dependency on them. I believe God El knows otherwise. Just saying.

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