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نشرت في 07 May 2021 / في العلوم والتكنولوجيا

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Councilof1 منذ 4 سنوات  

Hacker's will have fun with those thing's. Interesting time ahead.

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منذ 4 سنوات

If they can hack blue tooth vibrators they can probably hack these at some level. In other news, dumb mother fuckers keep shoving them up their various holes and complain.

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Councilof1 منذ 4 سنوات

@Defundthehoes: When I first heard of those I thought it was a joke until I did a search.

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منذ 4 سنوات

@Councilof1: Half the population is very dumb, as designed by the schools. I wasn't surprised at all.

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mrghoster منذ 4 سنوات

If I wanted an R/C coffee table I would have ordered it off Amazon!

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mrghoster منذ 4 سنوات

STAGE 1 - I was waiting for the K9 model to cock it's leg on a lamp post! It walks like it's about to shit itself! lol! Actually it walks like a dog that has been continuously Beaten or mistreated? Spotted a flaw in seconds? it has to walk backwards down step's, now where's my Baseball Bat! lol! Ah! It's a fefail robot BITCH because it has to crouch down to take a SHIT!

STAGE 2 - Well! the first rain storm will mean they cant go out and get shorted out? The acceptance for some will be going out grabbing these things and reprogramming them to dance "Night fever" or some other Disco song. Personally I think they will always need a human (Dumb fascist human) to walk with them?

STAGE 3 - Robot's start acting like 21st Century women! MEN react in the only way they deserve - with Gun's

STAGE - 4 - I think I will only go to the store once a month?

STAGE - 5 - MAN discovers robots have a "Chip" on their shoulder they can pull out to disable them! and the good ol' Baseball Bat comes in useful as well!

STAGE - 6 - Sky Net forgot to pay their Electricity utility Bill and the Power get's turned off! Damn! typical Dumb Human probably a fefail? Hang on the laser's are "PINK"? ,must be fefails?

STAGE - 7 - Guess I better go sand get some building materials from Home Depot? Hah! the things they will do to make you wear a Mask in the store?

I think fefails are being groomed to have a plug fitted in their fat asses to become the 1000's?

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UnwillingVillian منذ 4 سنوات

Let's take a moment to get a little closer to reality & contemplate the positive potential for robots as well, i.e. SEXBOTS!

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Doggk منذ 4 سنوات

Yeah let's give some love to the robots, the Jedi way ^^

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UnwillingVillian منذ 4 سنوات

@Doggk: Yea, since 'real' women are so much less dangerous... *uncontrollably LMFAO!*

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Doggk منذ 4 سنوات

@UnwillingVillian: That's another subject, bro ^^

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UnwillingVillian منذ 4 سنوات

@Doggk: Yes, but just how related are those two subjects?

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UnwillingVillian منذ 4 سنوات

Btw, the robots name is 'Spot' not R2D2. It's made by Boston Dynamics. It's capable of a lot more than what was shown. B.D. also has one called 'Altlas' that is humanoid in shape & can do amazing things like keep it's balance walking on rough/slippery terrain, stay on it's feet when pushed, dance (better than I can), do backflips, etc. Let me see if I can find a link...

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Doggk منذ 4 سنوات

Yup I know, the subtitles are a response to what the woman was saying in the first video.. I know the robots of Boston Dynamics..

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UnwillingVillian منذ 4 سنوات

Well, it had to happen eventually. I've finally disliked one of your videos Doggk. I'm gonna have to call you on this one. You have somewhat of a point about robots & automation replacing jobs. What's causing that though? It's feminism and subsequent socialism & communism i.e. $15/HR. minimum wage & other such economic stupidity that's causing the need for automation of jobs. Surely you're wise enough to see that, I hope. As for robots enslaving/destroying humanity, c'mon man! This is the same libtard illogical argument used against guns. 'Guns are evil!' 'Guns kill people!' Never mind the FACT that guns and robots have never & will never be able to to anything other than what HUMANS do with them.

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Doggk منذ 4 سنوات

The gun control thing and robots are two different subjects.. A gun isn't made to think you get me?.. AI is made for that ! AI is more complex than we think ! It thinks by itself, solves problems, it learns, evolves, improves, creates, etc.. all by itself.. And for the moment yup humans are in control of everything but what if all of sudden they lose control over the AI ?... There's the entire problem.. Technology is evolving quickly.. In less than a century you'll surely have the first humanoid robots walking, running, etc.. An independent AI or even hacked like Councilof1 said can turn into a nightmare.. Everything nowadays is connected.. An advanced AI like skynet can hack and connect itself to the red buttons of each presidents of the world.. We created a perfect environment.. WIFI, Internet, phones, vocal recognition, radio frequencies. etc.. An advanced AI can hack all these things, analyse and use it in its advantage.. So that scenario is totally possible in a near future..

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UnwillingVillian منذ 4 سنوات

@Doggk: This isn't necessarily a counter argument, just something to contemplate: Who made those movies that you showed? Wasn't that the same people who're effectively owned by Communist China? Do you think maybe the would have a political agenda to promote fear mongering in relation to A.I. technology to distract from the fact that their marxist agenda is the real threat to jobs & human well-being in general? Just something to think about...

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UnwillingVillian منذ 4 سنوات

@UnwillingVillian: *they, damn auto incorrect!

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Doggk منذ 4 سنوات

@UnwillingVillian: Man the movies are nothing else than material to show.. I used it to illustrate my point about these robots.. If it's owned by Adolf Hitler or Kim Il Sung.. It's not my problem.. The images are well made the stories too... Some things might be exagerated or unrealistic.. Some are realistic.. Everyone can use this for its own agenda.. It doesn't change the fact that the movies represent a possible reality in the future..

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