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How To Keep Women Away From You LOL - MGTOW

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Publié le 22 Aug 2020 / Dans Personnes et Blogs

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How do you keep women away from you?

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought is to you by a donation from Steve. He didn't give me a topic so I'm going to my default plan B talking about another Reddit post. I'm pretty good picking the most popular ones that get the most comments. But if anyone out there see one you think would make a great topic let me know. I've also heard from three people so far in the last month that my paypal donate option on my YouTube channel has disappeared. So if you guys don't mind I'd like to hear if you can still see it if you're watching or listening to this on YouTube. It would be on the top right on the the desktop version. Now that the housekeeping is out of the way let me get to that post with the same title as this video. How do you keep women away from you if you want to go MGTOW monk? I put a link to that reddit post in the description. Of course I could say obvious things like don't bath, don't get haircuts and drive a car that's falling apart and is older than the women that are trying to go out with you. Women don't see classic cars. They see old cars. What I want to discuss are practical solutions to keep women away from you so you don't have to beat them off as they try to shove their tongues down your throat. But before I say more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to the video. So in the post I'd like to discuss it was started by someone named David E. McNair and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Serious question. I recently went through a break up and all the women at my workplace came out of the woodwork after knowing I was single again. I work in a high stress environment and I don't want to be entertaining small talk or getting unsolicited messages while working. I feel like I'm in a 90s chick flick where there's some sort of bet on who can land me for fun. I just want to be left alone and I don't want to be rude since they can make something up and go to HR and claim anything. How do I approach this?" unquote. If I were David and I was trying to keep the women off my back that were trying to get me to get them on their backs what I would do is tell them you found a new girlfriend. When he'd go out next with his friends all he would have to do is take a selfie with himself and one of his female friends and put that picture in a small frame on his desk that looks like it's been picked up by a woman. To the women in the office that would look like he wasn't single again. Or you could always get one of your feminine sounding male friends that can do a mean female impression to call you at the office and have a conversation with him pretending that he's a she. Women talk and all it would take if for one or two of them to overhear and suddenly they would all think you have a girlfriend again. That coupled with a picture on your desk would surely keep them away from you. Other than that there really isn't much you can do with the work vultures are circling around and trying to create this sort of drama in the workplace. That's why for most of history men and women worked in segregated work environments. Companies are more worried about looking like they are doing the right social justicy kind of thing by having a co-ed work environment.

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whyserenity 5 années depuis

easy gain weight and pretend to be totally dirt poor.

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sauger1001 5 années depuis

Drive a truck. Most waah?men don't like the time and work associated with the job. Most large companies are continually "encouraging waah?men to apply". Same with jobs that involve manual labor (electrician, plumber, carpenter, etc). Women will work the office, but somehow still want to tell you how to do your job, regardless of her (lack of) experience.

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TitanMGTOW 5 années depuis

Just tell them you're in debt up to your eyeballs. they won't hang around.

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pirania 5 années depuis

WEEEMAN : " Why you don`t have a WEEEMAN " ?
MY : " I have no time, I have no money, I have no nerves, I have no fortune, I have no house and I am not a good liar ".
WEEEMAN : " Men always have time for a WEEEMAN "
Me : " Yes, ....but that's the first WEEEMAN are robbing from men " !

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csehszlovakze 5 années depuis

You should link the MGTOW CHATS stream about the incels in the description on all platforms... your audience should check it out.

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