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I Told You This N166er Trump Thinks He Is Pharaoh


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Published on 21 Jan 2025 / In People & Blogs

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I binged watch some conscious x videos, I discovered him through you when you covered Andrew tate. Can't stop seeing the uncanny resemblance between trump and Allister Crowley.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

I doubt Trump is anything like Alister Crowley. First, Trump protected his minor employees from Epstein; Crowley would have shared, spit-roasted, or DP'ed them. Just saying. There are Spiritual elements, but the masses are stupid as fuck. That is one thing I have against the Roman Catholic Church, itself thinly wrapped witchcraft with Christianity: They would rather the Church itself keeps the people, ie "the sheep" or "flock" in keeping with God El Elohim of Israel and Himself Incarnate as Yoshua Kristos metaphors of Shepherd and Sheep imageryor parables as stupid.. (I prefer Kristos over Jesus Christ: First, it was written in Greek originally (We know Christ was educated and knew Greek: He used Greek words such as "hypocrite." Second, Demons and other deceivers like to call themselves "Jesus" and have their retarded followers call them "god." The phrase cleanse by the "Blood of Christ, the Lamb of God" really pisses them off.) The "Church" liked to keep their flock in the dark or ignorant rather Spiritually unprotected. I am not sure why? To be able to find demons? To kerp them vulnerable for later bad avtors infiltrating the Church? As the Spirit told Prophet Hosea to marry a protestuting whore, I believe God El and the Tree of Life, His Wife Ashereh, knudged me to fuck around with (Green/Nature) witches to understand them and possibly love them. I mean I am from a bad boy playboy family line: I suspect our sex drives are higher than normal men, just saying. I stayed away from Dark or Satanic witches. I know "magick" or how "it" is supposed to work and I guess some defenses and "curses or attacks." I don't need them: The Gods protected me and contiue to protect me with Thier Spirit and Angels as need be. However, I state this because unlike today where the Churches are infiltrated and infected and the masses kept as infants on Spirituality, I know or rather understand how the Church was infiltrated at least three times between Fall of Rome and our modern day, rather the beginning of our Industrial Age. Unlike our "priests," I actually understand something rather some things of the Divine as They see fit to show me. I made a video Four Truths about this. I was planning to revive that video revealing Five Divine Laws or Truths, but I have been unable to find the image of Ashereh that allowed me to find Her today. I strongly believe and I suspected confirmed to me by the Spirit, the Grand Reveal during the beginning of the Age of Revelations is the re-Ascension of Ashereh, the Tree of Life, Wife of God Elohim of Israel. I strongly believe They chose me for about three or four reasons: My playboy blood line (likely to restore dating and marriage between man and whore as intended,) my choice or ability to stand against the Darkness especially when conpletely submerged in it- a never surrender attitude at that time, my imagination and "high IQ" having the ability to communicate, demonstrate, define, and unite against the Darkness and its demmons, and likely the "Fire" within me to fight or purge these fuckers. It was revealed to me that mzny of these demons are akin to weed killers used to weed out the "weeds" as it were. "Priests" today seem not to know the two bare fundamentals of the Gods: First, Understanding there is One God and fearing Him is the foundation of wisdom ;and second, "As above, so below" in all its meanings. Without these, one is literally adrift. And sorry for the lengthy reply. I can not asdume anybody understands anything anymore. .

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Well, that was long... perhaps I should have broken it up. Sorry, on my phonr now. Well, I made an ass out of you and me as my grandmother would say. I meant presume...

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@WMHarrison94: i gotta bookmark this to read later. I meant physical resemblance, in face.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: You know the funny thing, when I think of writing an outline for a video, I am like carrying 200 lbs of weights going up a hill, or let's say water jugs, but when I answer a question or remark on a comment it's wither Noah's rains or a fuvking white water rafting in my mind... it just flows out!?! Wierd huh?

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@WMHarrison94: i know what you mean buddy boyo, comments in mgtowtv or other blogs/channels sparks ideas, but sitting down to create something, can't think of any black pill ideas or observations

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: @BasedEscortCel100: It's like when you know do much, where do you begin. That's why I started with A Socratic Idea...Then, you realize how dumb everybody is because of Globalist retarded Marxists not educating them and creating in them as student a hated of learning... I found Trends asca place to start. I have other Theory of Everything sub series ideas, one Being Modern Myth and Monsters... I could do Liberal Arts on its own and even Philosophy or History of Philosophy, Science, Religion. GOD, Medicine, Archaeology/Anthropology, Military, Psychology, Liberty or Freedom, etc each as their own subseries...I chose Socrates and Atlantis to start. I actually got written up at work for talking about Atlantis- they interpretted it as "a religion." I say it's Truth. Maybe in a decade or a century, the rest of society might catch up...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

I push back agsinst the propaganda, eons of propaganda...

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creamed12 2 months ago

man you are obsessed with Trump, Dude has not even lifter a finger.

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ali 2 months ago

Trump isn't the real Anti-Christ, I'm guessing the real Anti-Christ would not have lost from Sleepy Joe. But yeah he is a Pharaoh in chief, like many other smaller Pharaohs in charge of all the different UN countries.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

We are not in the Age of Revelations: That's still about or atleast twenty years away. If the AntiChrist is alive today, he's a babe or kid right now. The Book of Revelations states the road to Armageddon opens after Gog and Magog attack Israel creating cities required to be buried, ie NBC warfare. That could happen now. Back when Trump acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel's capitol, the Feast of the Triumphant, the Jews have been celebrating that for over three eons: It's one of God El Elohim's "holidays or festivals" out of the seven Passover of the Exodus is one. Most Bibles (purposedly) mistranslate Genesis' creation passage about God El putting stars into thevsky for signs and times (astrology) and for telling or coodinating the "Festivals" not the seasons. God El has seven festivals, what are the seven seasons? To be fair, the changing of seasons are typically religious festivals in most cults. Saturnalia thevdarkest day of thevyear, now Christnas rven though Chridt was born in July-August during the Caesar Annexation censor, why Joseph had to return to Jerusalem sorry Bethlehem with his pregnant wife Mary the Mother, hence born in a manger when no inns or family ewsudences had room. You know thst scene in one of my favorite Christmas songs, Little Drummer Boy. The Roman Catholic's All Souls or Saints Day (Day after Halloween) is the Harvest festival, and MayDay or Cinco de Mayo was typically a Spring celebratory orgy. This is how they lived acvordung to the stars and seasons. Hence, As above, so below or reqorded by Chridt and thevChristian Churches from the Lord's Prayer "As it is in (the) Heaven(s), Let it be on Earth." These are so ancient epitaphs or memes. Easter was the celebration of Spring, Lent is Spring. Obviously, Easter is the uniquely Christian Holiday celebrating Christ's power over death, but interesting, Ishtar (also pronounced Easter) is celebratedbwith bunnies and eggs. .. Seeing a pattern here?! I have more. Perhaps, I should make a video once I figure out how again in Linux over this.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Oh. Gog and Magog are China and Russia today.

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@WMHarrison94: my dude, you are high iq, but don't make fatal mistake of believing in Jesus new testament, it's a false idol. Judaism is the true faith, noahide laws are the laws for gentiles non-jews. Also, great to read or listen to YouTube to learn be stimulated, but also go get laid, if free sex through dating is a hassle, then pay to play once a month.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: It's more than that bro. I met The Gods in Death: They sent me back. I know of the Truth and when I have to question it, the (Holy) Spirit provides what information I need. We are living in a real life "chess gane," which by the way is the game the Egyptians had to play at gheir death to get into the AfterLife "Paradise." Just saying. .

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@WMHarrison94: interesting. I think that most people are NPCs no soul . Only a few chosen ones with black pill and God of Israel awareness will get afterlife. Most normies will either get to a low level department in afterlife or just stop existing. Normies are just NPCs like out of the movie dark city, will get the Noah flood treatment, their souls will just be extinguisher, good riddance, scamarona showed their hivemind bitchthink and that they are soulless beasts in human form, NPCs in this God simulation

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@WMHarrison94: it should be Russia. Magog is the second son of Japeth, Russian people fit the description, Russians is said para-ruski in Russian, Persia is Paras in Hebrew. The Babylonians really displaced and moved a lot of nations, Iranians are a bunch of Arabs moved there, not original Persians, Egyptians today are a bunch of other Arabs, original Egyptians got displaced by Babylonians and absorbed. China is Canaan, one of the sons of Canaan was Sin, pronounced "Shin" in Hebrew, that's Shin=China, even Chinese refer to themselves openly as sino- coming from Sin, son of Canaan, Ham and Canaan were cursed with being ugly by Noah when they did some wicked things to Noah, that's why Asian and African women are not so attractive, except for some exceptions or pareto principle 20% might be cute.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Hmmm. No. Some might be true. ThevCanaanites are the Phoeniciand and later Carthagians derived from them at Tyre as colonials. The rest might be true. Iraq-Pwrsia-Babylon-Sumeria is an interesting area one keeps looking at them across the eons, plus Sumeria the "First Civilization" as Mesopotamia "Between Two Rivers" (though with the discovery of ThevKing Scorpion, he who first united North and South Egypt, can be Egyptian Fynasty Zero puts it within years of Ancient Sumeria as firat nation. Sumeria is c lose to The Garden of Eden or Paradiso Eiden, the Walled Garden at the Plain er Plan's end. Cush is not Egypt and the whole world is not thevgarden nor is Pangia (fuck... I think I mosspelled that, the supercontinent.) An Agognostic found that Walled Garden. I plan to add it to MGTOW.tv. I tried recording it/dubbing it five times... in Windows 10. I will try soon in Linux, likely Fedora or Open SUSE. I moved at the end of November and I am still trying yo get my home in order... I keep getting called in and still habe a storage unit to empty out ..

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Damn phone's touchscreen..

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@WMHarrison94: impossible, garden of eden is another higher realm, this realm earth is the lowest realm there is, you literally would have to ascend be taken up, it's not part of this terrestrial plane.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Not true. It was found by an agnostic using three ancient Sumerian texts. The problem is that earlier people knew this, but wars, natural diasaters, etc forced us into amnesia. I will add the video to my channel once I get a reoded copy that actually copies. I tried dubbing it three or four times already...

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NeoGeoGamer 2 months ago

It looks like Trump's plan is to take away birthright citizenship (legally dubious according to lawyers) and bring in an H1B slave class. He also froze hiring for government jobs and had them return to office (lmao). I think the plan is to purge the government employees and replace them with Indians, but make sure the Indians can't drop anchor babies. I like that he's fucking over government workers, to know them is to hate them, but I can't help but see this as letting India colonize us.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

What? The Shit bricks? Street shitters and Cow shit eaters? Nah. If Birthright citzenship was a thing, then every Native American Nation who is or was within the US boundariesvare absolutely literally citizens. Last I check, they are not. So, Trump's not wrong.

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RodrickSage 2 months ago

what would you call, having your life destroyed by a sexual harassment claim? i remember how he allowed Job to have his life destroyed cuz Satan bet him he can destroy him, God was influence by Satan lol and i wish i am wrong but, the excuse God gave Job was soo BS, imagen Job giving God that excuse, " YOU ARE NOT ME MF, YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE WORLD LIKE I DOOO. " the fuck does that have anything to do with you been easy to influence by Satan and allow him to destroy one of your followers?? \\

Its like Athena cursing her loyal priestess to become Medusa cuz some aristocrat raped her.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Well, it was Posiedon eho raped her and yes, the Greek women were his to rape dhould he choose, us Posiedon, Strong masculine god against a goddess, self born from Zeus' head after he swallowed Metis, "Knowledge." Who'd you think would win? Refer to Paris of Troy and the Golden apple myth for insight.

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RodrickSage 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: that's even worse.

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