Haha White Bitch Found out what those Disgusting Currycel Fuckers are really like now haha,
Anti Microbatcerial yeah right get the Fuck out of here with your Nimrod Pagan Bullshite, the Whole house stunk of Cow Shitte Fucking Patels, or Rajeets or Guptas for you WHAT A FUCKING JOKE SEND EM BACK TO THEIR SHITHOLE IN MUMBAI OR WHEREVER THEY CRAWLED THE FUCK OUT OF. \G/
@Ozmosis: Lol, ok, no man, I did post on some of his vids, but he has no new stuff, its always "bitcoin going to zero" (103k) , "russian won the war" (lol), or some excuses about his jew handler Halsey
@Lucifer333: LOL yeah, I wish tfm would dig into more occultic stuff like what I upload it would be a nice change of paste for his topics, but he would probably lose a chunk of his normie audience if he did.
@Lucifer333: By JQ you mean you want me to share more vids about the Jews if so, I was trying to find videos on the Jews that ran the atlantic slave trades Ill try and find some videos, also yes i think I had shared some vids in the past about the blonde girl from the poltergeist and what jewberg and his friends did to her. Thats why Im gonna continue trying to expose these assholes.
@Councilof1: Better yet Slaughterbthe whole Cow and eat it raw or rare infront of all of them and use their own Police force that carry those sticks to protect you and beat those Currys up and Enjoy Laughing at them also throw some of the Scraps as throwaways at those Frail veg Vegan Fucks Fuck em and their Cow Shite Worshiping Bullshite \G/
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Haha White Bitch Found out what those Disgusting Currycel Fuckers are really like now haha,
Anti Microbatcerial yeah right get the Fuck out of here with your Nimrod Pagan Bullshite, the Whole house stunk of Cow Shitte Fucking Patels, or Rajeets or Guptas for you WHAT A FUCKING JOKE SEND EM BACK TO THEIR SHITHOLE IN MUMBAI OR WHEREVER THEY CRAWLED THE FUCK OUT OF. \G/
What is this low caste behavior? retarded
Uh wtf?! It makes good fertilizer but that's about as far as I'd go with it.