
Islam Predicted MGTOW & The Return To The Harem System

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Опубликован в 25 Aug 2024 / В Люди и блоги

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Ihateniggers 6 месяцы тому назад

What, if any, content creators do you recommend watching to get a driver's license?

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Emre 7 месяцы тому назад
Furioso 7 месяцы тому назад

DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33 :Humans don't need religions ,they need spirituality and must understand that our egos in this material existence mean nothing ,our bodies are vehicles ,not the destination .Life and death is a cycle ,our actual existence is one among many .Even children or dogs have a innate sense of justice or what is good or bad ,they don't need books to understand this ,may God be with you too my friend .

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Furioso 7 месяцы тому назад

Nice representation of the cube of Saturn in the thumbnail ,Islam just like the bible didn't predict anything ,the 3 religions have been created by Abraham (a jew) ,the Quran is a copy of the Bible wich is a copy of the Torah . they all have been rewritten throughout history .Even if there are good things in these religious books ,most so called "prophecies" are voluntarely realised by these jews .They are not predictions ,they are instructions that jews follow ,they are Satan's instructions .Sorry to tell you this Amr ,but if you are a muslim you don't serve God ,you serve Sheitan .Religions are the first tools of mass control in human history ,if God created us with the liberty to choose our paths ,why did he created religions to tell us how to live after that ? It doesn't make any sense .I believe in God but religions are the worst scams ever existed ..

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 7 месяцы тому назад

I agree with you GOD is Great and Man Made Religion is a joke to brainwash and twist minds and control them. Funny how they Say Mohammed was a Pedophile and Hate Jesus and then ask them is Jesus a Pedophile and watch them shut up and Runaway aka useful idiots And not the Righteous who follow GOD https://cdn.swisscows.com/imag....e?url=https%3A%2F%2F

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 7 месяцы тому назад

I don't think GOD made us to be super smart or fucking stupid just enough to meet in the middle and enjoy life. Now a God or God's depends on each person's interpretation however JEWS created Religion and they fabricated lies to control all other so called religions they probably told Hindus that eating Cow shite is good for them and people in INDIA still do that today and then wonder why they have fucked up teeth and hygiene amongst corruption Sex(Tantric) Worship and then wonder why they have RAPE CENTRAL with sky high rates so yeah Religion is an Focus and Believe IN GOD in your own Way and remember all you need is Your God, My God and Our GOD. GEORGE CARLIN said it best he believes in the SUN because it's not invisible its there and I can see it well with all the Chemtrsils and weather engineer who knows still yeah Sun and Moon and created by GOD. GOD BE WITH YOU

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ali 7 месяцы тому назад

Informative and funny video at the same time, laughed hard at certain times. You were looking for the words 'reciting' and 'plausible deniability' btw.

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