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Lawrence H. Horton - American Audio Digest Psychiatry - Drug Abuse - year unknown 70's - 80's

44 Vues
Publié le 24 Apr 2023 / Dans Film et animation

It's Useful and Interesting - Quite Different to the Usual Bullshit Drug Culture, inside and outside of AA and similar.
I am about the last living person with a copy of this recording on the face of the planet. It's dated, and still very good.
It was originally on cassette tape, and then these were wearing out with no way to replace them and so I digitised it, and converted it into the Real Media format (RM) and those fucking cunts and their digital lock in to their product and their players, were totally incompatible with everything - aside from their own gear. So I wrestled the media out of the RM format and converted it to MP3 and then just did as good a job as I could to clean it up - and it's a fairly good job, considering everything that has gone over the decades.
Make good use of it and hang onto your copy and share it around... Weed is not a good clean drug - small amounts really fuck with your mind and brain and some times it's permanent and bad.

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This is my Teatise on "The Drug Scene" and getting out of the drug scene, and getting back into life....

This is interesting - it's my way of illustrating that you need to build the present, on the past.
And while I think this guy was using drugs - he has produced a very interesting talk on use and abuse of legal and illegal drugs.

Lawrence H. Horton - American Audio Digest Psychiatry - Drug Abuse - year unknown 70's - 80's
Probably the only remaining copy of this recording in existence.

This is me calling Cheech and Chong out for the arseholes, that they REALLY are.

Drugs are REAL Bad Mmm K - And Cheech and Chong were scumbag junkie liars.

This is an interesting set - Hunter and I go back a LONG way...

You need this compendium to make sense of the letter that I wrote to him, and the outcome of doing this, and what he then put into effect as his final act just before suiciding.

Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas (see the pinned comment)

The Final 24 - Hunter S Thompson - see pinned comment.

My pinned comment.

There is a bit of history in this... I read the book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas in 1983 / 1984 - and when I saw this movie - it's one of the most perfect translations of a book into a movie that I have ever come across.

And the book - while a totally full of shit druggie crap fest - at the time it was a bit of a life saver - because of the desperate circumstances my life and I could relate in the most humorous ways to the adventures in it.

A favourite piece:

"About five miles back I had a brush with the CHP. Not
stopped or pulled over: nothing routine. I always drive
properly. A bit fast, perhaps, but always with consummate
skill and a natural feel for the road that even cops
recognize. No cop was ever born who isn’t a sucker for a
finely - executed hi - speed Controlled Drift all the way
around one of those cloverleaf freeway interchanges.
Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a
highway traffic cop. Your normal speeder will panic and
immediately pull over to the side when he sees the big red
light behind him . . . and then we will start apologizing,
begging for mercy.

This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop - heart. The
thing to do - when you’re running along about a hundred or
so and you suddenly find a red - flashing CHP - tracker on
your trail - what you want to do then is accelerate. Never pull
over with the first siren - howl. Mash it down and make the
bastard chase you at speeds up to 120 all the way to the
next exit. He will follow. But he won’t know what to make of
your blinker - signal that says you’re about to turn right.
This is to let him know you’re looking for a proper place to
pull off and talk . .. keep signaling and hope for an off -
ramp, one of those uphill side - loops with a sign saying
“Max Speed 25” . . . and the trick, at this point, is to
suddenly leave the freeway and take him into the chute at
no less than a hundred miles an hour.

He will lock his brakes about the same time you lock yours,
but it will take him a moment to realize that he’s about to
make a 180 - degree turn at this speed . .. but you will be
ready for it, braced for the Gs and the fast heel - toe work,
and with any luck at all you will have come to a complete
stop off the road at the top of the turn and be standing
beside your automobile by the time he catches up.
He will not be reasonable at first . . . but no matter. Let him
calm down. He will want the first word. Let him have it. His
brain will be in a turmoil: he may begin jabbering, or even
pull his gun. Let him unwind; keep smiling. The idea is to
show him that you were always in total control of yourself
and your vehicle - while he lost control of everything."

I wrote to my good freind Hunter S. Thomson, a paper and posted letter - around September 2004 - explaining that while he promoted "the party life style" on lots of drugs etc., and the "drug scene" has enormous amounts of dead and damaged people - and in amongst all of his levity about increasingly intolerable situations, he had never left a way out for people, for whom the drugs had run their course and they needed a sign post on how to leave all that shit behind and how to get their lives together.

He had a heap of health issues and had gotten old etc., and 6 months later on February 20, 2005, he decided to kill himself by sticking a 45 in his mouth and shooting himself in the head.

But the last thing he did, was to type ONE word on his magical type writer.

He typed the word, "counselor".

No one else but me, knew why had typed this one last word, on a completely blank piece of paper.

I understood what he meant.

This was his sign post to everyone, wanting to get out of the drug scene.

"Go and ask for help."


At 5:42 pm on February 20, 2005, Thompson died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head at Owl Farm, his "fortified compound" in Woody Creek, Colorado. His son Juan, daughter-in-law Jennifer, and grandson were visiting for the weekend. His wife Anita, who was at the Aspen Club, was on the phone with him as he cocked the gun. According to the Aspen Daily News, Thompson asked her to come home to help him write his ESPN column, then set the receiver on the counter. Anita said she mistook the cocking of the gun for the sound of his typewriter keys and hung up as he fired. Will and Jennifer were in the next room when they heard the gunshot, but mistook the sound for a book falling and did not check on Thompson immediately. Juan Thompson found his father's body. According to the police report and Anita's cell phone records,[58] he called the sheriff's office half an hour later, then walked outside and fired three shotgun blasts into the air to "mark the passing of his father." The police report stated that in Thompson's typewriter was a piece of paper with the date "Feb. 22 '05" and a single word, "counselor."[59]

The Final 24 - Hunter S Thompson

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