
Marriage is a Scam - My own horror story

53 Vues
Publié le 21 Feb 2025 / Dans Film et animation


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ArgonRaysabre 1 mois depuis

@10:10 Sure. Generalizations are true, but the guy's argument is the minority should somehow negate or, at the very least, be considered as on par with the majority.

I've the common fuckin' decency and intelligence to judge a person as an individual, but exceptions prove the rule, fellas.

Still, a great video. Shane, you drop nothin but hits, I see. Keep it up. Excelsior.

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Honestly - there is a LOT of "important and useful" ( or seemingly so ) content that I skip watch (10 seconds here, 30 seconds tehre) or watch the first few minutes etc.., and it appears to be credible....... Most of the time - the videos are of GOOD content, and from time to time they really are duds.... I don't have to time to carefully review all videos..... It's his story, he's telling it and this is all I can say...... Some people might find it immensely useful and some might think it's total shit....

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I barely even listened to this one - heard lots and lots of these sorts of stories.... I will listen to people one on one - but other people might find this helpful. Being in thousands of AA meetings and the like - I hear so much.... AND time is kind of short.

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