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Marriage Isn't Real - Here's Why

19 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 16 Jul 2024 / Im Leute & Blogs

No fault divorce has defeated the purpose of marriage. It negates even the most basic marriage vows. After vowing to stay with the man in sickness and in health, for good or bad, for richer or poorer, women in fact are divorcing men because the man has become unhealthy, because he has fallen on hard times, or because he has become poor, or sometimes for no good reason at all (like that she has found another man). Those marriage vows used to mean something because they were legally binding and a judge would hold you to that and wouldn't grant the divorce if it went against your legal vows. But now because of no fault divorce not only are those vows not legally binding but going against the vows are some of the main reasons that women file for divorce, which has rendered the vows meaningless and thus the entire marriage contract is self defeating, which means that the institution of marriage no longer has a purpose...At least it doesn't have the same purpose it was supposed to have. You could say that it still has a purpose, but that purpose would now be for women to have a legal weapon to use to trick men into stealing half of their assets under the fraudulent pretense of life long love and devotion. It's time for us men to face the facts that due to no fault divorce law marriage no longer means what it was supposed to mean and is not what it should be anymore. And we need to boycott it, at least until they change laws back to make those vows legally binding once more. MAKE MARRIAGE REAL AGAIN!

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