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Memes Of The Week #362 - MGTOW

114 vistas
Publicado en 24 Jan 2025 / En Personas y blogs

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Hey everybody welcome to another episode of memes of the week. The best thing you can do for this channel is beat the like button like it owes you money before watching this so that it reaches a wider audience. Also before I get on with the memes first a word from today's sponsor B Brothers Publishing:

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 meses hace

@6:20 I saw a meme showing someone asking AI if the woman should choose the bear or a man and AI said the bear because everyone wins: the bear gets a meal, the woman gets to be a victim and the man avoids a false rape charge. (Evry 1's a Winner)

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I am prompted to sing along to Wendy O - "Reform School Girls - https://www.mgtow.tv/v/nAip8G

Instead of "Re--Form School Girls" - I can sing "Baaaaaaa - Booooooonnns Arse, Baaaaaaa - Booooooonnns Arse!"

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WMHarrison94 2 meses hace

Definitely a baboon's ass... Am I missing something? Is fucking a baboon's ass like heavenly ascending into (STD AIDS ridden) paradise? Is it like better sex than what any stretched out 304 can give? Just wondering? Seems to be a lot Babion ass lipped THOTs... lately.

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Here you go - some good christian "stress relief". https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rN-5Fvb....8Cjg/maxresdefault.j

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