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Men are Extrordinarily Clever - Name your favourite machines and tell us why!

Published on 14 Feb 2025 / In Film & Animation

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ArgonRaysabre 26 days ago

One of my favorite machines? The Water-jet Cutter. A high-pressure stream of water that can cut steel into complex shapes? I'm in. I forget the scientist's name, but he came up with the ingenious idea of adding particulate to the stream to increase the cutting power. Tops.

Men are awesome.

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I figured that with iron and carbon = steel, that I could make a cutter based upon salted up water, and Direct Current electricity.... So I made up a copper jet head, and attached that to a HIGH current power supply, and fed mineral rich tap water through it and - made a concentrated rust cutter...... Hyrogen on the electrode, oxygen on the steel ----- BUT it took an awfully long time to cut fuck all...... HUGE amounts of power and hours to cut millimeters... SO then I did some research and found that YES it is a legitimate machining process, and that the jet was 0.1mm and 6,000 PSI and something like 100A at 2V and it was used in special lathes on big rods of tungsten and tungsten carbide in the late 30's and 40's - where as I think tap water is 30 PSI and I had 80A at 32V.... and the jet was ~1mm in diameter. So I came up with a bright idea, gave it a go... I found that aside from specialist applications with purpose built equipment and electolyte (bicarbonate soda and water) - essentially it is a great idea, but it is NOT replacing plasma cutters and oxyacetylen cutting gear and water jet cutters etc.... NOT by a LONG shot and this is why NO ONE in their right mind uses it for anything other than specialist profiling and cutting work on big slabs of very hard material.....

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ArgonRaysabre 25 days ago

I was going to build the HHO generator based on Grant Thompson's design, with a few tweaks, but I never got around to it. I remember a coworker of mine who was about 13 or so years older than me tried to tell me that applications as such (like the Stirling Engine (you knkw the one I'm talking about, that was designed by a man who's name escapes me, that ran one water?) couldn't work because "water isn't flammable" Instead of arguing with him, EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE COUNTLESS VIDEOS on Youtube that get detailed tutorial on how to build the damned thing, I decided to live by the principles of Stoicism and say nothing. I thought to myself "Ultron is right. Humans rarely look inside a thing to uncover its mysteries." Hydrogen and oxygen, the very building blocks of water, are two of the most flammable gasses known to man. All one need do is separate the two. This is coming from a guy who has a 160 IQ, and has told me he always assumes when he walks into a room full of people that he's the smartest person. I suppose wisdom and intelligence aren't mutually inclusive, because I believe that if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. Besides, the IQ test he took, the Stanford-Benet (or something thereabouts), I later found out is designed for CHILDREN. While I don't hate the guy and I do consider us friends, he's annoying because he thinks he's soooo smart. And he's one of those "white apologists" who think every black person is just a victim of racism. People like that get on my fucking nerves, because little do they know that if that's what they TRULY believe, then black folks are jist some sad sack case who can't do anything to improve their station. Shane, I'm black, and I'll be damned if I let someone tell me that I'm "oppressed." Fuck that. I take accountability for my choices (and trust me, I've made some DUMB ones), but I'd never blame my station in life on others. It's dishonorable...... Shit. I think I just figured out why I don't have too many black friends. Anyway, thanks for letting me talk your ear off...well, I guess, technically, type your eyes out. Later, big bro.

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@ArgonRaysabre: I have always through that although IQ tests were interesting, they were also a bit odd. Like the blacks in Africa were supposed to be as dumb as all fuck with an IQ of 80.... OK BUT I think we evolve over many generations to be able to to do what the environment requires us to do, and not much more...... For instance In this video they calculate how to hit moving targets and to aim for the elephants eyes, "In the days before the CrapOnalds Drive Through" https://www.mgtow.tv/v/ghqSD9 But the Europeans have adapted to structural elements and designing things and maths / ship building and more complex things.... So like all the ones who could do these things that the environment dictated for survival tended to survive and the ones that could not, tended to die out.... SO while the IQ tests can be interesting, but they only make sense sort of, to people who "think like that" not to people who "think other things". I am constantly interested in people who read so much more into things, accurately, that what I do..... Like Trump and his JEW handlers..... It might seem a good PR stunt / cleaning out the shit type moves, BUT other people who understand JEW deviousness, say there is a whole back end of agendas to their "tactical" moves, and that Trump and his JEW handlers, are really SETTING EVERYONE UP to be ripped off and slaughtered....

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ArgonRaysabre 25 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: To quote TFM, Trump is definitely sucking the Jew cock. I just wanted the motherfucker to fix the economy; I really don't give shit about Israel. I wish we'd just cut the fucking welfare spigot of to the country. We have enough problems here without sending money to a bunch of shitbags who hate us. For god's allegedly chosen people, they surendo suck America's tit like a mofo. After seeing the abject destruction and murder they've been commiting on the Palestinians, I'd actually like to see them fight a modern army as opposed to helpless unarmed civilians. I don't think the IDF is as tough as the media purports. I mean, Israelis don't seem particularly tough to me. I'd like to see how they'd fare against Russian regular army. You know, people who can shoot back. I suppose that'll never happen, what with the way the Jewish media has everyone brainwashed.

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