
Men create genius level EVERYTHING. Brain dead women only have "made in China" plastic vibrators.

43 Visualizações
Publicado em 12 Jan 2025 / Em Filme & Animação

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Leader_Desslok 2 meses atrás

Shane , great video . i am reminded that while women are the first to take advantage of the modern means of transportation like trains , they will always look their nose down at the men that made it possible . from the engineers that designed the trains to the crews that maintain them. also don't forget the crews that run them down the track and keep everyone safe. how can intelligent and stable minded men with steady good paying jobs possibly be good enough for today's "strong and independent women ".

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Have you seen this? Rather remarkable.... Even the tiny pressure gauges work. "How to Drive a Steam Locomotive - Technically Brilliant - Never knew the models were such impressive machines." --

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I have watched it about 30 or 40 times.... just sticking it on loop - awakes, asleep etc... different days etc.. Learned a lot. He can teach with a running model, better than a full locomotive because he can get the camera at all the bits while he is driving it, and he is explaining as he goes.

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I make / design atmospheric testing instruments - Fuck you ought to see stuff they were making in the 1700's - calibrating and compensating etc... ANY WAY HUGE amounts of thinking and research and development went into creating steam trains - because they HAD TO BE competative in terms of how many tons of freight / people - over what distance in what time, could they move per ton of coal.... and the whole management and logistics of running these HUGE systems.... Well the steam trains were not scrapped because they were bad machines, they were scrapped because they were so labour intensive to run them..... You had to "fire them up" by getting the water in the boiler up to running temperature and pressure and there was an enormous amount of infrastructure to get them going and to keep them going.... Where as Diesel Locomotives, you just climb into them and start them up like you would a car, and get going.... BUT the technology like the vacuum pulling the air up into the fire box, through the boiler tubes and blowing the exhaust gas out the chimney - I had never had the chance to study this in a working locomotive, and seeing just how effective it was on the scale model - I was very impressed.... This REALLY works....

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