
Men Won't Date Me-! F3minist Are Having MELTDOWNS Because Men Won't Date Them

108 Visualizações
Publicado em 18 Jan 2025 / Em Filme & Animação

Lady's Dating in London is so easy these day's and it's in the WILD as well. Let's look at the options - Well! there are the Muslim Gangs that go around Grooming and RAPING white trash women, If you are into ANAL there is always a chance of getting a Deviveroo bike wedged in youer crack with all the bad bike riding fools out there!. Just hang arounf the House od Lords or Common's I'm sure it wont be long before some sleazy old perve politition or Lord will spot you. Go to soho and I;m sure in all the Gasy Bars their you will find lot's of cock to FRIEND ZONE! London as become a total SHITHOLE since Khsn became Mayor, I'm sure it can and will get worse, so lady's get your sorry feminist asses up there where your standards can be met easily with like minded street trash! lol!

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remarksman 2 meses atrás

Britain is a rabidly feminist nation. Men are crazy to 'date' in a feminist nation.

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Haaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaa

No MEN for these RETARDED sluts to date...................

Who gives a fuck!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Haaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaa

The Tears of Angst 1:52.

Why jerk off to naked women when you can get your rocks off over snivelling, blubbering, bitches! - Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOL

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Sincerely thanks for posting this video..... The women are appalling. Their bullshit is just bullshit. No wonder men want NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM.

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Toki 2 meses atrás

Which waifu should I date tonight instead? Sometimes I can't decide. Maybe some Samus. Some Graf Zeppelin. Cynthia of Pokemon. I don't want to talk to real women they are low IQ and annoying. Always with their NPCphones out making annoying ring tone noises from their male clients. That's my filter. If I would be willing to date a real woman she must not own a mobile phone. It's an IQ test and consumer IQ filter.
Meanwhile women in the streets getting raped by negros and Muslims. I don't care. I'm not in the UK though. Nobody truly cares about me ever so why should I care about other humans and their problems they supported by submitting to Gov overlords and women's social policy opinions?
Real women act like girlbosses but that only works in fiction. Samus for example is quite badass. But also fit, eternally youthful, and sexy. Also pure for what we know. If myself and a random Russian man both adore Samus we don't need to start WW3 to fight over her like idiot monkeys with Gov uniforms and guns. We can sit down and appreciate our goddess we both adore.

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