MGTOW and the Mainstream
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Publicado em 09 Jul 2015 / Em
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Sorry, my post was too large so I broke it up. I guess I should have posted it in reverse if you read top down... I am not spamming you, but I present my argument towards your current attitude, Nothing more. Have a good thinking day...
I do not mean to lecture you, but Academia is not as high and pure as you might image. It is a cluster fuck designed to get young people in debt to be wage slaves or indentured servants their entire lives. I know I am caught in that web trying to get out. I traveled much of the world for military service and deployments. The cabal or Cathedral hates that because we know their lies. We been to places they try to get us to demonize. That is their time honored tactic pitted two or more sides against each other or one another to weaken them. The cabal is pitting us the US, its indentured servants, against Russia, with its market freedom and no cabal control. Russia is the child the cabal created and funded to prolong the Cold War by pitting us against each other. They are loosing power due to the internet and what I along with ancient philosophers believe is the "End of Times" or rather phrased better "The End of an Age." We are now leaving the Age of Pisces, when God of Israel himself in Cosplay came down to earth to be with His people who killed Him. He chose to be the "sacrificial lamb" to end all sacrifices (that is the true difference between BC and AD.) He warned how His teachings would be corrupted to rage war and force horrors on people refusing to convert. The Age of Pisces was beginning at the end of the Age of Ram. The Age of Taurus, the Bull, was the also the Old Testament when fertility cults, basically orgies, and bull games such as leaping over them like the Cretans and residents of Thera or Santorini or the running of the bulls and the Spanish bull red flag torso thing-- the Age of Atlanteans I believe, and the changing earths. We are living in the Age of Aquarius or the Christian Revelations where ancient mysteries are answered. I set out to disprove these "astrological beliefs" and t see if we could find Atlantis, but I found more. Ancient knowledge lost to us on purpose by the Satanists who have been trying to lord over mankind since its inception. As scientist, I believed in evolution, but I know better now after looking at all the assumptions our "timelines" and ages have made, many of which are chemically based on isotopic decays-- which are not constant across time. They have some "constant" values now but that was not always so. Many in academia are just as brain dead if not more. I am making a Theory of Everything is Connected: A Socratic Idea. I am having editing issues right now, a learning curve I guess, but check it out.
My point is MGTOW is about surviving. We need different things at different times. Exposure at its highest levels increases the chances that men do not off themselves because they fell alone. This is a feminist tactic. It is a demonic tactic. I do not care if you believe this part, but I died twice and crossed over. Demons are real and they are jealous: but also angels, God of Israel, and God of Israel's wife the Tree of Life are real too. I met her on my cross over. I met my family of matriarchs, You may not conceive of all the conceptions and lives that had to succeed in the past for us to be here today, right now. I used to joke I was a highly advanced fucking machine: We all are for the most part because we are here now. Feminism, which is just demonic communism wrapped in a shiny new wrapper with tits, is only here to destroy and enslave us. You should change your outlook and pay more attention about survival of your family and friends and we as a people with freedoms. There is a great danger currently.
Man, you are not wrong about the MGTOW factions, but different men are in different stages of acceptance with postModernity with its period blood stained "soyciety" and men's lack of place in it, There is the party no fucks given guys like Undead Chronic and Ribby the Party Frog, but Sandman and TFM not to mention Terrence Popp of Redonkulas are trying to save as many men as they can before they ruin their lives or suicide themselves with permanent solutions to short-term problems. Then, you have the intelligentsia or curious, which includes you, Stardusky, and some others like me, Man Inside, Doggk, and Keeper. Some of us still use religion such as myself and Telepathic Rapist, but we know damn well that the Church and State are both infiltrated by Satanic agents. The sad part bro is that the professionals are that professional any more. I knew it was what you and Stardusky that coined MGTOW? I remember your rivalry with Sandman and the wannabes that followed.