
MGTOW - Don't service your old CRT TV by yourself!

20 Vues
Publié le 15 Aug 2024 / Dans Science et Technologie

Do you have a broken CRT TV in your basement? Don't throw it out! Instead, call a profesisonal repairman to fix it, and then obtain a DTV box and antenna to use the TV. Newer, non CRT-based TVs spy on you!

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Amiba 8 mois depuis  

I made a slight mistake. The electron beams go through the anode before the yoke deflects them to the different parts of the screen.

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Good attempt at doing your own videos, that robot voice is trash sucks makes think of when I'm dealing with a call center or need to pay a bill over the phone.

The video is great however can't learn anything if watching it on Mute because the robot voice ruins.

I on the other hand just upload other content from others alittle easier that way

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Amiba 7 mois depuis

I'll try to find a better TTS voice for next time.

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@Amiba: 10/10 Effort on the video and your doing your own videos so your doing better than me also don't be afraid to upload and share videos from other content creators like I and Shane do, it's all good just give credit where it's due and have fun it's your channel at the end of the day, I upload things I enjoy and think that others can learn from or find interesting Shane does the same so it's all good and Glad to have a Fellow FIST OF NORTH STAR friend as well :D if you can find and upload any cool Awesum GUNDAM/MACROSS videos that would be a GODSEND as I can hardly find any good ones or with great quality thanks and have an awesum time GODBLESS GOD BE WITH YOU GODSPEED \G/

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Yeah - I forget the average value - but the HUMBLE 1.2 or 2 Megohm bleeder resistor - you better hope that it's working and check the voltage of the (which) capacitor with one discharge lead to the chassis, and the other with a lead, one hand behind your back and one non conductive rod holding the wire of the new discharge circuit - to the capacitor.

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Amiba 8 mois depuis

My first attempt at original content. If it sucks, please be brutally honest.

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It's your first go - it works. There is a world class text to speech engine, called "Speech Note" - I aided in it's development - Fuck it is really good.... I use Linux, not Microshit... so it's all up to you to sort that one out.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Linux I see no wonder you are Master Race FÜHRER haha we can't all be Like you I'm on peasant Windows 10.

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: - I got so sick of the REALLY badly done microsoft software - it's woke + stupid, that I just had to get out of it as soon as I possibly could. Adopted and moved over to Linux as soon as it got useable enough as a operating system instead of a basement dwellers coding crisis. It's now out of the packet, very good... dead set reliable and solid.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I agree with ya microshaft as RGE calls it is a dumpster trash. if I was to use Linux now I'd be in the class of Linux for dummies and when something goes wrong it's a Cluster fuck to find and repair on Linux still better than the coding problems and all sorts with microshaft I guess the Boomer in me needs to go to Coding School and Learn how to Code, even Python to me was like studying Alien, if you could Demolition Work on Remote from Home I would do that anyday then again that is pipedream land.

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: The modern stuff is a fairly clean operating system and software. There is not much to really learn. The smart way is to always run a live, reliable internet connected system, and to have your linux system either as a separate system, dual boot or running off a portable HDD or USB stick. The Linux stuff = enormous amounts of long term stability and reliability and getting work done.... Microsoft = the complete opposite.

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