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Mgtow - how to trim a huge tree by yourself

41 vistas
Publicado en 13 May 2023 / En Cómo hacer y estilo

Only for the brave, strong and fit

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I was halfway expecting him to fuck this up badly - but he did a great job of it.

Unfortunately his wife, who had been cheating on him behind his back, while he was raising another mans kid, and she was planning the divorce, as soon as he paid the house off - was standing in the wrong position.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 años hace

I know of someone who also thought he could do this type of work by hand.
That guy is an idiot, but I realized I couldn't do it and bought power tool.

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red maple
red maple 2 años hace

Notice he only did one branch and not a jungle of branches

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 años hace

@red maple: I did, I did. But he is not the idiot, the idiot is the one I know. :-D

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