You can get further with cheap gas rathewr than cheap hoe's. Gas gives you a real BANG for you buck and not having your wallet robbed by a hoe without any BANK for your Buck!
This is so butchly butch He Man, that we of the British Empire run our horseless carriages on Petrol - which is a liquid distilate from the Oils of Onan, where as you poor Murrika's only have gas to run your cars on.
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You can get further with cheap gas rathewr than cheap hoe's. Gas gives you a real BANG for you buck and not having your wallet robbed by a hoe without any BANK for your Buck!
This is so butchly butch He Man, that we of the British Empire run our horseless carriages on Petrol - which is a liquid distilate from the Oils of Onan, where as you poor Murrika's only have gas to run your cars on.