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Midterm Tsunami Inbound-[CODE-RED]

24 Просмотры
Опубликован в 08 Nov 2022 / В Фильм и анимация

⁣After all andrew milly doesnt actually control the chain of command because of the whitehats who are actually the ones who secretly have all control luckly.



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WMHarrison94 2 лет тому назад  

Absolutely correct. They want war to steal power. We had been trying their patience for like over twenty years trying to bait us into Civil War. These are Master Baiters we are up against, orthe Joooz as son like to say. They use anybody and everybody: It's just the Joos' turn, much like your girl.

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ShadowMonk 2 лет тому назад

In spite of being stuck at my mom‘s house I am definitely prepared for any scenario involving the Civil War and hopefully it will backfire on the dirty dirty jooos ;)

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WMHarrison94 2 лет тому назад

@ShadowMonk: Yep. Keep exercising or start. I was sort of sick in the summer and with the heat, there was no productive exercise. Now, I plan to work out and run three to four times a week (or strong brisk walk) building up stamina and pushing myself further. I plan to try Tea Burn too to help passively burn off fat-- if that's possible? Increase metabolic efficiency? Worth a try . If anything is going to happen, I think it will be in December Christmas- ish or in January like the J6 fiasco. Be prepared.

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WMHarrison94 2 лет тому назад

Vote them out. Hopefully we get a 2/3rds majority both Houses... and then, it's on!

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