
Mirror - Was The Trump Assassination Attempt An Occult Ritual?

21 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 23 Aug 2024 / In Film & Animatie


These rituals are also held within MGTOW. I have seen the evidence, symbols and received baal'istic/nimrod behaviours on top of that. MGTOW has been infiltrated by free masonry who will usher in the new age of Aquarius by overthrowing royalty and going into co operate rule. basically 1987 . INGSOC.

Dont trust any mainstream online influencer without doing your own research. I followed frauds for years only to be lied to. Keep learning and dont blame yourself for falling for their tricks. They are tricking you its not your fault. Be one with morality and what ever god you choose.

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 7 maanden geleden

Forget Trump the puppet where have you been hiding been quiet without you here.

Hope your doing well and getting better and better options everyday to eventually do like AMR get your money right and get the Fuck out of the West.

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 7 maanden geleden

Im going to die here bro. I aint been hiding ive just left most of MGTOW mate. I believe its controlled opposition. All the big ones are masons working together. None of their haters will expose the masonry because they are also apart of it. Ive been learning learning and learning. the only thing i have lefts is the passion for the real truth. Thanks for your concern but ive lost faith in most humans. we have lost our moral compass on whole. Im happy your still knocking about. always good to see a good skin

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 7 maanden geleden

why is it the MANOSPHERE and not MENOSPHERE. mano makes it an anagram of MASONSPHERE. Hidden in plain sight, their language, rings, saying and ... artwork all portray who they really work for

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 7 maanden geleden

@Amanley Load: agree to disagree mgtow has freemasons or works with them aka Doll house Phil who has said from the beginning he is a free Mason and others are CIA BACKED, JEW BACKED JESUIT BACKED and more aka FAGGOTTS Sellouts and scum trash. That's the skinny and real truth and never put your faith in people they will backstab you 9 or 10 times out of 10 put your faith in GOD AND CHRIST. Glad to hear from you too brother and keep that thick skin of yours keep learning and take 1,000,0000 of them down with you if they try anything funny with you. GODBLESS GOD BE WITH YOU GODSPEED :D \G/

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 7 maanden geleden

@Amanley Load: I agree never liked the term Manosphere or be a real man and many have gone into that and tore it to shreds I always preferred Men's Club even though we are a philosophy and Men's Space or Men's Area, welcome to the Men's space/Area doesn't have the same ring to it as Manosphere. I think it should have been called MENY aka play on words or MANY meaning there are Many Men who feel like we do and we are growing I thought that would be a better name well since it is infiltrated and dead the only thing that remains is MGTOW and from the Ashes of "Manosphere" We becoming something better and greater who knows

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 7 maanden geleden


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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 7 maanden geleden

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: If you dont think freemasonry is not a problem, Read Morals and dogma or study Bill cooper. If we are to honor god, They are his direct enemies. I watched the spirituality stripped from MGTOW. Now we have masons posing as fake christians because you cannot be both officially. https://www.youtube.com/watch?....v=hkriUbNsLPM&li

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 7 maanden geleden

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I am more than happy to disagree especially with you, respect given and taken. Your a good skin. Yes mate, i left MGTOW on whole as a choice because its owned by short hand. Satanists posing as godly people

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 7 maanden geleden

@Amanley Load: Rest in Peace Brother WILLAM BILL COOPER, yeah I agree and disagree, it has been infiltrated indeed not just by freemason and Satanists also Jews Jesuits, CIA and more evil scumbags. There are a few good Godly Men who believe in everything GOD and making sure SATANISTS dont try to ruin MGOTW from the inside out and MGTOW may have to be reborn into something stronger just like they did from MRA and at the moment its the only Talking space that grans some freedom to Men to tell the truth as all other platforms censor ban and block Real Normal Men.

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 7 maanden geleden

@Amanley Load: Always a pleasure to respectfully communicate with you and you are a good skin also, I agree with you on more things than disagree all I was saying its not just Freemasons doing evil controlled oppo fuckery its a whole bunch of evil scumbags aka Satanists aka Comniation of Freemasons, Jews, Jesuits and more in the Holy War of GOOD VS EVIL that we are currently in. GODBLESS GOD BE WITH YOU AND GODSPEED BROTHER \G/

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 7 maanden geleden

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: fair enough. i dont doubt that but i can and will expose all MGTOWS masnory and link to death cults.i believe the kush issue is a faction war or complete theatre where kush is getting payed.

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 7 maanden geleden

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Free masons are just guys but they dont know the end of the line. oaths of secrecy, protecting pedos just cuz an oath. Free masonry has dirties itself and needs to go back to fri 13th IMO.

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 7 maanden geleden

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I respect you and God be with you too. we all need him now more than ever who ever your God is. with a CAPITALGg

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